Chapter 706

One night.

Luo Xichen had planned a month for his trip to Santorini.

Thirty days was not a long holiday, but it was not short either.

However, Sha Zhixing did not agree and insisted that he shorten the time to one week.

After breakfast the next day, the two of them sat on the recliner in the pool and discussed this issue.

Luo Xichen thought that he had been abroad for a long time and Rong Xi still had a lot of things to deal with. It was time for him to go back, so he did not say much.

The hotel they stayed in was very beautiful, just like a resort. In the morning, Sha Zhixing did not make a fuss about going out. Instead, she found a beach chair and sat down, taking a nap with her eyes closed.

Luo Xichen was too energetic. After the bathroom last night, the two of them stayed up very late. She was so tired that she did not even have the strength to walk. This was the main reason why she did not want to go out today.

Without even needing to waste time, second young Master Shao successfully trapped her in the hotel and did not go out.

Luo Xichen sat next to her, holding a notebook in his hand. He took advantage of his free time to video chat with his assistant. After explaining some things about Rong Xi's company, he took care of some things.

The Sun was warm in Santorini, and the scenery in the Aegean Sea was very beautiful. It was a very pleasant moment.

Sha Zhixing squinted her eyes and leaned against the beach chair for a while. She fell asleep in a daze.

When she opened her eyes again, she was woken up by a sweet female voice.

"My name is Lisa. This is my business card. My hotel is also here. "

The voice was completely unfamiliar. It was spoken in English, and it was so soft that it made one's bones go numb.

Sha Zhixing had goosebumps on her arms. She turned her head slowly and looked towards the source of the voice.

Not Far Away from her, Luo Xichen stood with his back facing her. A Tall Blonde woman stood beside him. The woman's body kept leaning towards him, and her breasts were almost touching his body.

Luo Xichen's back was straight. The expression on his face could not be seen, but he did not show any signs of rejection either.

She had only closed her eyes for a few minutes. How did she get lucky so quickly?

Sha Zhixing's eyes fell on the two of them silently. She was not angry, and even looked a little calm and composed.

"Are you free tonight? " The Blonde woman did not notice Sha Zhixing. She looked at Luo Xichen tenderly and winked at him, inviting him warmly.

Sha Zhixing closed her eyes and could not help but say sarcastically, "you're here so early. It's a pity that you don't want to be a COURTESAN! "

Her voice was very soft. She was only sighing, but Luo Xichen was sensitive enough to notice it.

He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. She had already woken up. The corners of his lips curled up, but he still did not reject the woman.

The woman's body was still leaning against Luo Xichen's body, as if she was afraid that others would not be able to see her. She even deliberately tugged at the Hem of her clothes, making the view of a certain part of her chest look particularly spectacular.

Sha Zhixing frowned slightly at the sight, and could not help but mock Luo Xichen in her heart.

Tsk, Luo Xichen, your level is really getting lower and lower!

"I'll wait for you at seven in the evening? " She looked deeply at Luo Xichen, and saw that he was only pursing his lips and not saying anything. The woman continued to invite him.

Luo Xichen's attention was not on her at all. He tilted his handsome face slightly and quietly observed Sha Zhixing's reaction.

She did not notice that he was looking at her. Sha Zhixing's eyes were still fixed on the two of them who were too close to each other.

After the woman leaned forward a little more, she could not stand it anymore. She walked to the two of them and leaned her body against Luo Xichen. She put her arm intimately around Luo Xichen's arm and raised her head slightly. "hubby... " she said sweetly with her Red Lips