Chapter 719: Two oddballs

Therefore, the idea of going to the suburbs at night was very strange to her.

Luo Xichen looked at her leisurely, the corners of his lips curled up and he replied Lazily, "there are fewer people in the suburbs, how convenient is it to do things? "

Sha Zhixing was speechless for a long time. She slowly raised her head and asked expressionlessly, "is this the reason why you agreed to come out with me so readily? "

"What do you think? " Luo Xichen asked instead of answering.

Wasn't that obvious?

Sha Zhixing was at a loss for words again.


"Or we can go to a hotel. " Luo Xichen was very easy to negotiate with tonight. Although the feeling of being in the suburbs was different from being in a hotel, if she did not want to cooperate, he did not care.

"GET LOST! " Sha Zhixing kicked him lightly with the tip of her foot and pulled him in her direction. She took his place and sat in the driver's seat.

If he was asked to drive, there would be no decent place to go.

The suburbs Was He going to play all kinds of games?

"Are you sure you don't want to go? " Luo xichen seemed a little regretful.

"No! " Sha Zhixing insisted.

"I just want to find a quiet place to get some fresh air. " Luo Xichen's reason was a little more serious.

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes.

Go to a hotel to get some fresh air?

Young Master Shao, only a God like you would think of that!

"Let's go to the food city first, then find the hotel we're staying at tonight. I'll stay in the room after we find it. I'll give you the car. You can go anywhere you want to get some fresh air. " Sha Zhixing stepped on the accelerator and started the car. After a series of arrangements, she added "You can blow as much as you want? "

Luo Xichen's expression was a little twisted after she said that.

Alone Cold Air?

Sha Zhixing ignored him and started the car to drive around the city.

It was her first time in country B, so she was completely unfamiliar with the streets and alleys. She could only find her destination as she walked.

Luo xichen leaned against the back of his chair lazily. He had mixed feelings as he thought about where the two of them were going to go later.

Was his status in her heart less important than eating?

If their children were born in the future, wouldn't they all be little foodies?

Luo Xichen couldn't figure it out.

She wouldn't have been like this in the past. Why did she seem like a different person these two days?

Could it really be because he had been "working" too hard these past few nights?

"Sha Zhixing, you really have no ambition! " Luo Xichen was still sarcastic as they drove far ahead.

"Then don't go. I'll go by myself. " Sha Zhixing looked disdainful.

"Didn't you have dinner before you came? " Luo Xichen looked at her and asked.

"No, " Sha Zhixing replied. She turned the car around and drove towards a small alley.

Luo Xichen looked at the time. It was almost nine o'clock.

No wonder she didn't have dinner. He had been staring at her since she entered the venue. He knew that she hadn't eaten anything there.

She must have been empty since lunch?

Luo Xichen was a little considerate of her now. She hadn't eaten dinner. She should be hungry.

Young Master Shao suddenly felt his heart ache. He sat up straight and said, "ahead, turn left, drive about 500 miles, and then turn right! "

Sha Zhixing's hand that was holding the steering wheel froze, and she looked at him slowly.

Why is he so energetic all of a sudden?

His tone was as familiar as if he was in his own city.

He had always known the way, hadn't he?