Have you had enough of chapter 716

She was fast and full of energy. Luo Xichen frowned and avoided her attack. He held her leg with his leg and sighed softly, "Zhixing, have you had enough? "

He did not speak very loudly, but he did not hesitate when he called her name. He felt that he knew her identity very well.

Sha Zhixing was stunned for a few seconds after his words. Her eyes were full of astonishment.

He knew it?

Luo Xichen pursed his lips and sighed lightly. His hand reached out to her face, landed on the edge of the butterfly mask, and slowly removed it for her.

Under the mask, Sha Zhixing's face was clean and her expression was a little wooden.

"You knew it was me all along? " She murmured after a long while.

"Yes, " Luo Xichen replied casually.

"How did you know? " Sha Zhixing frowned and her eyes darkened slightly.

"Do you even need to ask? " Luo Xichen was very disdainful of her words.

He pinched her face and glanced at her chest. Then, he looked at her waist and sized her up from head to toe. He said expressionlessly, "is there any man in the world who knows you better than me? "

He had seen her, touched her, kissed her, hugged her, and even slept with her for so many nights. If he still did not recognize her, his name would not be Luo Xichen!

He could even recognize her breath with his eyes closed!

Luo Xichen was very proud of this.

Sha Zhixing's face turned red and white. She thought of his teasing and asked coldly, "so you've been teasing me? "

Luo Xichen touched his nose but did not answer.

Sha Zhixing stared at his evil face and wanted to punch him in the face.

However, she was a little relieved to know that he did not treat her as another woman.

If he really flirted with other women in public, she would rather not have such a man!

Luo Xichen withdrew his body from her and sat down lazily on the seat beside her. He pulled her over and sat her on his lap. The two of them changed positions and played with the smooth skin on her shoulders with one hand "Miss Phoebe, we need to talk. "

He did not need to ask directly. Sha Zhixing knew what he wanted to ask.

He wanted to hear all the stories behind the name Phoebe!

At this point, she seemed to have no choice but to be honest.

Luo Xichen was not a fool. He knew that she was Phoebe. He must have known that she had been with Shi Qinuo for the past year.

Sha Zhixing fell silent after hearing what he said.

She thought back to the time when she had left. She organized her words and spoke slowly "I met Qi Nuo after I left the racecourse a year ago. I was very sad at the time. He was going back to France soon and I wanted to go abroad with him to have some fun. After that, I settled down in Paris. I changed my name to Phoebe because I wanted to live my life quietly and avoid your search. "

Her voice was very light, and her words were very casual. There were many sad things in between that she avoided talking about.

It was actually very hard for an oriental girl to come to Paris for the first time. She had to overcome many external factors. Moreover, although she lived in the Castle of Eli, she actually did not rely much on Shi Qinuo financially.

Sha Zhixing's personality was quite stubborn. Although Shi Qinuo did not mind her food and lodging, she did not like it. She had been working as a temporary worker for a long time when she first came to Paris.