Chapter 723 had ulterior motives

The two of them did not go home immediately after they returned.

Luo Xichen did not know if she was in the mood to meet everyone, so he took her to the castle first.

For the two of them, the castle was their real home.

On the way from the gate to the castle, a white sports car drove on the road from the gate to the house. Sha Zhixing's eyes drifted silently to the outside of the window.

The servants in the castle had all been dismissed by Luo Xichen. The huge garden was very quiet. There was no one there. Only a few pets could be seen running around occasionally.

Luo Xichen drove all the way to the door of the back room. He leaned the car to the side and got out of the car first. Then, he opened the door for Sha Zhixing. "We're home! "

Sha Zhixing had just stretched one of her legs out of the car when a white fluffy ball suddenly flew towards her arms. Then, her ankle was licked by something, and the Hem of her skirt seemed to be pulled by something.

She looked down and saw a few pets surrounding her. Their heads were raised high and they were staring at her.

They looked at her for a while and then snuggled up to her.

These were the pets that Luo Xichen and she had kept before. They had a lot of pets, including cats and dogs.

It had been a year since they last saw each other. The pets seemed to be more welcoming than people when they saw her. They dragged her down and squatted down, trying to squeeze into her arms. Their furry paws were scratching her, and they even stuck out their tongues to lick her face. It was a very intimate scene.

"Yo, Lu Qi, I'm back! " Sha Zhixing smoothed the fur of the animals, pulled away their paws, and smiled.

She was actually more curious about who would be in charge of taking care of the pets after Luo Xichen had left for so many days?

All of them looked very energetic, obviously not hungry.

Luo Xichen stood aside and watched the scene quietly, the corners of his lips curling up.

He preferred to see her in the castle.

Luo Xichen lazily sat down on a chair beside him. Luo Xichen wanted to watch the show quietly, but Lu Qi suddenly threw Sha zhixing onto the ground, buried his head in her neck and stuck out his wet tongue at her.

Lu Qi was a Tibetan mastiff. It was huge and very fierce when it saw strangers. It was as gentle as a cat when it saw its master, and it had a good relationship with Sha Zhixing.

However, this way of welcoming her... ...

Luo Xichen's face turned green.

He stood up and walked over in a few steps. When Lu Qi's tongue was about to touch Sha Zhixing's skin, he twisted Sha Zhixing's neck, and Luo Xichen threw Sha Zhixing to the side.

His movements were very disdainful.

"BE GENTLE! " Sha Zhixing's heart ached. She wanted to check on Lu Qi's injuries, but Luo Xichen lazily hugged her and pulled her to sit on the chair next to him.

"those few are taking advantage of you. " Luo Xichen's tone was a little sour as he helped her tidy up her not-so-messy collar.

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him and was extremely speechless.

Luo Xichen pretended to pick up the collar of her shirt and pointed at the tiny fur left by some unknown pet. He flicked it away for her and said casually, "look, Zhixing, it's all dirty. Why don't I take you upstairs to change? "

I think you have ulterior motives, right?

Sha Zhixing was extremely disdainful of his words. She could almost hear his thoughts from his eyes or tone of voice.

"No, I want to sit down for a while. " Sha Zhixing looked at the pets and refused mercilessly.