Chapter 727 clumsiness

Luo Xichen saw that she was silent and thought that she was not mentally prepared. He comforted her, "it's okay. Let's do it another day. "

Sha Zhixing looked up at him and nodded.

"I'll go down and TIDY UP THE CASTLE FIRST! " She stood up and walked out of the door with her head lowered.

Luo Xichen looked at her back quietly. He wanted to ask her to let the servants do it tomorrow, but after some thought, he felt that it was okay to do it himself.

It was actually quite interesting to tidy up one's own house.

He turned around and wanted to go into the bathroom to take a shower and tidy up with her when his cell phone rang.

The call was from Wen Lan. Luo Xichen had informed her in advance before he returned to the country. He was calling to check if his people had arrived.

"Xichen, you're back? " Wen Lan's voice immediately came through the phone.

"Yes. " Luo Xichen sat down on the sofa next to him and replied calmly.

"HAVE YOU FOUND ZHIXING? " Wen Lan was not sure, and her tone sounded probing.

She was only guessing based on her own understanding. Luo Xichen had never been abroad for so long in the past year. If he had not found anything, he would not have stayed in France.

Moreover, from the phone call he had with her before he came back, Wen lan felt that his tone was not quite the same as before. She did not feel as depressed as before.

Such a change made Wen lan feel that it had something to do with Sha Zhixing.

Luo Xichen did not expect her to guess correctly. He was stunned and wanted to deny it. However, when he thought that Zhixing would have to go back to see someone sooner or later, he nodded.

Wen Lan was a little excited after he said that. She wanted to ask a lot of questions. Was Zhixing okay? How were the two of them? Would they leave when they came back?

There were a lot of things like that, but the phone was still a little inconvenient. She asked directly, "when are you coming home? "

"Another Day. She just got off the plane. She must be very tired, " Luo xichen replied lightly. He ended the call with her and went into the bathroom.

Sha Zhixing went downstairs and tied her hair into a ponytail. She tied a ribbon around her head and wiped her hair with a rag here and there. Then, she started to tidy up the castle.

She actually liked this feeling. It felt more homely to tidy up their home than to have the servants make it.

After Luo Xichen left, the castle should have been cleaned regularly. It wasn't very dirty, but it still needed to be cleaned.

Luo Xichen came down about ten minutes later. As soon as he walked down the stairs, he saw that she was dressed like a maid, standing on the ladder and cleaning the windows high up.

Luo xichen frowned slightly and walked to her side. He looked up and wanted to call her down, but the rag in Sha Zhixing's hand suddenly slipped down.

The white rag fell straight down from the sky. It brushed past the tip of Luo Xichen's nose and fell to the ground.

Luo Xichen's back was stiff. He stared at the RAG and his handsome face turned black.

"I dropped it. Xichen, help me! " Sha Zhixing's voice came from above.

Luo xichen stared at the rag for a long time as if he couldn't hear her. His face was a little twisted.

If she had fallen more accurately, wouldn't she have directly hit him in the face?

"Luo Xichen! " Sha Zhixing saw that he was not moving at all. She had lowered her hand enough and wanted to push him, but the ladder shook at this moment and then --