Chapter 59 was as dumb as a pig

That card was given to Sha Zhixing by him. The card was used for SMS reminders. If the card was used, his phone would receive SMS reminders about consumption. However, he had not received a single message in the past few days.

This meant that Sha Zhixing had never used his card at all.

In fact, he knew Sha Zhixing's current situation. From the quality of the house she was looking for, he guessed that she probably did not have much money left. He also understood her personality. She probably did not want the money given by her family.

She should be in a tight spot right now, but even under such circumstances, she still didn't use a single cent of his money.

Silly girl like a pig!

Sha Zhixing stood rooted to the ground, her mind slowly reflecting the last two words of his. She didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Luo Xichen's tone was very calm. It wasn't sarcastic or teasing. She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she vaguely felt that there was a hint of heartache in his words...


Because of what?

Looking sideways, Sha Zhixing's gaze fell quietly on the figure in front of her.

As if sensing her gaze, Luo Xichen slowly turned his head and looked at her who was still in a trance. He said sarcastically without holding back, "Are you stupid? You're as stupid as a pig!"

After he said that, his eyes deliberately looked at the pig rabbit in the cart.

The slight doubt in Sha Zhixing's heart seemed to have been washed away by a basin of cold water under his words, and not a single residue was left.

She rolled her eyes at him and followed him in a few steps.

I knew it! What I was feeling just now must be an illusion. This is how Luo Xichen normally talks!

The two of them walked side by side in the supermarket and went to the snack area. Sha Zhixing wanted to buy potato chips, but Luo Xichen did not allow it. He put them down as soon as she picked them up.

The two of them went back and forth for a few rounds. Sha Zhixing was a little angry. "What are you doing?"

"You can eat this kind of junk food?" Luo Xichen was very disdainful.

"Better than people who like instant noodles," Sha Zhixing said sarcastically without changing her expression.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched a little at her words, but he did not refute her.

Sha Zhixing pushed his hand away and threw a few packets of potato chips into the cart right under his nose. She walked in front of him and pushed the cart towards the counter.

After a few steps, a sentence suddenly came from behind. "Luo Xichen, you can consider endorsing Master Kang next time!"

Luo Xichen's face, which had been expressionless, suddenly turned dark.

I like that kiss!

Sha Zhixing turned her head slightly and glanced at his reaction without batting an eyelid. She added exasperatedly, "Or you can unify them."

After saying that, she pushed the cart away like a rabbit.

Luo Xichen stood where he was and looked at the figure that was getting further and further away from him. His face was green and white, looking very pretty.

Sha Zhixing walked in front. She was in a very good mood when she thought of Luo Xichen's face that looked like a palette.

She had lost a month's salary for no reason. She finally felt more at ease now.

She was in a good mood as she pushed the cart to the counter. When she passed by the lunchbox area, Luo Xichen's words suddenly rang in her ears.

Sha Zhixing hesitated for a moment at the thought of her lunch that had been stolen from her. Then, she picked a lunchbox and put it in the shopping cart.

She picked it up casually and did not look at it at all. She did not even notice that the lunchbox she picked up was exactly the same as the lunchbox she had picked up earlier...