Chapter 732: She is back

Sha Zhixing was rendered speechless by his words for a long time.

He must be using free Labor to enslave her, right?

What made her feel even more unbalanced was Luo Xichen's next sentence. "A royal designer, a rising star in the European design industry. With such a high price, the results of his designs should be able to sell for a good price. "

"Good Plan. " Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes and held out her hand at him with a stubborn look. "I WANT TO UPGRADE! "

Luo Xichen was amused by her expression. He put his big hand on her head and stroked her long hair. He smiled seductively.

Sha Zhixing was so angry that she wanted to kick him.

Luo xichen kissed her forehead as a reward and carried her upstairs. "If little Xichen and little zhixing come out one day, I'll make it up to you twice as much if you don't work. "

"GET LOST! " Sha Zhixing glared at him in disdain.

He was referring to the milk powder money, wasn't he?

Sha Zhixing was very depressed, especially thinking that she might be working for nothing again if she went to Rong Xi.

However, as Luo Xichen had said, both of them were already married, and what was his was hers. She did not seem to care so much.

Moreover, his card guaranteed that at least two unlimited cards were in her hands.

After the two of them made this decision, Sha Zhixing followed Luo Xichen to Rong Xi the next day.

The person who had disappeared for such a long time suddenly appeared with Luo Xichen. After entering the company building, Sha Zhixing turned her head almost 100% of the time.

This was too shocking!

To Rong Xi's people, Sha Zhixing was already close to being a legendary existence. The cold-faced second young master's fianc��e had disappeared before her marriage and Shi Qinuo's disciple. Just these few points alone were enough to make everyone marvel at her.

Many people started whispering to each other.

Sha Zhixing silently listened to the discussions of the crowd. Her clear and cold eyes glanced at the crowd indifferently. Her eyes were calm, but the crowd obediently kept quiet.

Luo Xichen was still beside her. Who Dared to say anything?

Sha Zhixing did not care much about the stares that fell on her. She had expected such a situation. Since she had decided to return here, she had already mentally prepared herself.

She calmly followed Luo Xichen upstairs and he took her straight to the design department.

Most of the members of the design department had not changed much as before.

Sha Zhixing's face was familiar to most people.

Her sudden appearance caused a bigger stir than the entire journey upstairs.

Everyone stared at her with their mouths agape, not saying a word for a long time.

He simu stood in her office and glanced at the two of them through the transparent window. She felt a chill run down her spine and all the expressions on her face froze bit by bit.

She was back!

Luo Xichen had indeed gone to look for her!

Sha Zhixing could vaguely feel the gaze on her. She turned her face slightly and looked at her from a few meters away. She quietly looked at her face, quietly observing her reaction, and saw the obvious shock in her eyes Her Red Lips curled up without a trace.

Was it so surprising that she was back?

Luo Xichen held her hand and walked to the front of the entire office. He glanced at the scene, opened his mouth slightly, and introduced her word by word. "The number one designer of the European royal family, Miss Phoebe! "