The most dazzling pair in chapter 61

This necklace was given to her by Luo Xichen on the night of his return to China. The pendant was made up of two interwoven stars, one big and one small. There was a rare pink diamond in the middle of the pendant. The light was emitted by the pink diamond. It was bright, gentle and quiet.

Sha Zhixing stared at the necklace quietly. She was a little absent-minded. She reached out her hand, picked it up, and put it on her neck in front of the mirror.

This was the first time she had worn this necklace since that day. The dazzling colored diamond was decorated with a soft white gown. It complemented each other perfectly.

Sha Zhixing gently touched the two stars on the pendant and looked at herself in the mirror. She opened the door and walked out.

When she came out, she bumped into Luo Xichen, who was next door, and walked out of the room as well.

He turned his head slowly to the side when he saw her like this, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Sha Zhixing, who was wearing a gown, had lost her usual pure and innocent look. She had become more sexualized, more elegant, and more noble.

Her slender figure was wrapped in high-end fabric, and her slightly curly long hair fell casually on her shoulders. Her natural black color complemented her naturally fair skin, and the strong visual impact made her look harmonious and seductive. Her lips were red without a dot, and her makeup was slightly applied. The little beauty was sparse and fragrant. It was extremely beautiful, yet natural.

With just one glance, Luo Xichen's eyes slowly warmed up.

If the usual Sha Zhixing was a friendly girl next door, then the slightly dressed Sha Zhixing was more like a princess who had walked out of a castle. She had the aura of a wealthy lady, and it was fully reflected in her body.

What surprised Luo Xichen the most was the necklace around her neck.

This was the first time he had seen her wear it since that day!

Luo Xichen suddenly had the urge not to take her out when he saw her like this.

Her beauty was getting more and more dazzling. It was so gorgeous everyone would stare at her.

"Are you leaving?" Sha Zhixing asked, not noticing the subtle reaction in his eyes.

"Yes." Luo Xichen nodded slightly.

Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen went down the stairs side by side. The two of them drove to the Mu family's mansion in the city.

It was the birthday of Grandfather Mu. The people who would be there would definitely be some influential people from the upper circles of society. Rolls-Royce, Maybach, and all kinds of luxury cars occupied a long stretch of the road outside the mansion.

When the two arrived, there were already many guests.

Sha Zhixing got off the car with Luo Xichen. She was about to walk forward, but was pulled back by him.

Sha Zhixing was stunned for a moment and looked at him, puzzled.

Luo Xichen did not say anything. He put her hand on his arm and led her to the banquet hall step by step.

Sha Zhixing was not used to their movements. She wanted to pull her hand back, but was held back by Luo Xichen.

The two of them went back and forth for a few rounds, and Sha Zhixing simply let him be...

At this moment, the banquet venue was exceptionally lively.

As one of the big families, Mo Yichen and Mo Ningyu were also here.

Mo Yichen was currently chatting with Grandfather Mu, and his witty words made the old man smile, which was rare.

Mo Ningyu stood by the side, bored. She turned around and wanted to go eat, but suddenly there was a commotion at the banquet venue.

She furrowed her brows and slowly turned her head

At the entrance, under the spotlight, Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing walked side by side. Their outstanding appearance and natural aristocratic aura immediately attracted the attention of many people the moment they appeared, causing an uproar wherever they passed...