Chapter 65: What do we do with our arms around each other's shoulders

Master Mu then called Mu Siyan and Gu Yiran to his side and gave them a few words of advice.

Mo Ningyu listened to their conversation without batting an eyelid and her red lips curled into a faint smile.

The opening dance was to be held a few minutes later. As Master Mu's favorite grandson, Mu Siyan was bound to be at the opening of the party.

Mo Ningyu was born into a noble family and her manners were very good in all aspects. Tonight, she was also the center of attention and was a member of a few big families. When she stood in the middle of the venue with Luo Xichen, it caused a commotion. All kinds of envious gazes and discussions broke out.

The two young couples were one in a hundred in terms of appearance and temperament. When they stood in the center of the hall, almost everyone's eyes turned to look at them.

"Good evening, everyone. There's an opening dance before the banquet tonight. I'm sure the four of you are already very familiar with each other..."

The dance began with a brief introduction by the host of the banquet.

The beautiful and romantic music of the waltz began to play slowly.

Mu Siyan and Gu Yiran were already a familiar couple to many of the guests present. They did not cause too much of a stir. Most of the attention was focused on Luo Xichen and Mo Ningyu.

As both of them were people from the upper-class circle, the two of them embracing each other as they stood in the hall. It was inevitable that they would cause gossip such as family marriages, fairy tales about princes and princesses, and so on.

The discussions around them did not stop after the two of them appeared together. Luo Xichen, who had just entered the hall with Sha Zhixing, was the one who was discussed the most. They discussed and even dragged Sha Zhixing into the discussion.

Sha Zhixing and Mo Yichen were sitting in a corner of the venue and chatting happily. The laughter of the two of them could be heard from time to time.

On the stage, after the music of the opening dance began, a beautiful visual feast began.

Mo Ningyu was beautiful, had a good figure, and had a good temperament. She was very suitable for dancing the noble waltz. When she danced, she attracted the attention of many people.

Women like her were jealous of her.

Her looks were impeccable, and even her family background was so enviable. She had everything that normal women longed for. Such a person was undoubtedly the favorite of god.

Luo Xichen hugged Mo Ningyu gently, but his eyes were always on Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing did not like the gentle waltz. She liked the passionate tango, so she did not pay attention to it at all.

She had been chatting with Mo Yichen since they entered the venue. The two seemed to have hit it off very well, and a faint smile could be seen on their faces from time to time.

As they chatted, Mo Yichen suddenly put his arm on Sha Zhixing's shoulder.

Sha Zhixing did not push him away, and the smile on her face did not fade.

Luo Xichen's expressionless face changed slightly when he saw this scene.

How long had this girl known that kid for, and she was already putting her arm around his shoulder?

Mo Ningyu quietly observed his expression. She followed his line of sight and saw Sha Zhixing and Mo Yichen chatting intimately in the distance. The corners of her lips curled up and she suddenly fell into Luo Xichen's arms, her hand supporting her forehead. "Xichen, my head suddenly feels a little dizzy. Shall we go out for a walk?"

Luo Xichen looked away after her words. He looked at her slightly pale face, nodded slightly, and helped her out...