Chapter 74 is only for you

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly, trying to read more from her face. However, Sha Zhixing stood up and walked past him upstairs.

A few minutes later, she slowly walked down the spiral staircase and changed into a casual pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

Seeing that Luo Xichen was only staring at her in a daze, she looked at him indifferently. "Aren't we going out?"

Luo Xichen came back to his senses after hearing her words. He nodded slightly and walked in front of her to the garage.

The two of them left the house one after the other, and the car slowly drove out of the villa.

Sha Zhixing had counted a lot of food before, but in the end, she had randomly entered a fast food restaurant.

Luo Xichen could not bear to do that. He grabbed her hand and got into the car, driving her to the seaside.

T City was a seaside city. The sea view was very beautiful at night, and the related industries on the sea were developing very well. Even though it was past nine o'clock at night, there were still a lot of people walking on the beach.

Due to the presence of a branch company here, Luo Xichen was relatively familiar with the city. After bringing Sha Zhixing to the seaside, the two of them took a boat and went to a nearby resort island.

It was a very romantic island. The houses on the island were all european-style houses. As they were located in a tourist area, each house was decorated with colorful lights. The purple light was hazy. The entire island was shrouded in a dream.

Apart from that, the air on the island was much better than in the city. The scenery was charming, and there was all kinds of food available. Elegant piano music could be heard everywhere.

It was Sha Zhixing's first time on the island and she was very interested in the place. The corners of her lips curled up slightly when they reached the island, as if she was very satisfied with the place.

Luo Xichen took her to a quiet Western restaurant on the island. He ordered the dishes according to the list of dishes that Sha Zhixing had casually mentioned when she was at home. The waiter left.

Sha Zhixing was surprised by Luo Xichen's memory. She looked up in surprise.

She did not know what she had just said...

"Don't look up to me too much." Luo Xichen sat down next to her and the two of them sat next to each other.

Sha Zhixing shot him a disdainful look and said softly, "Tsk."

Luo Xichen pursed his lips and smiled, ignoring her gaze.

The waiter quickly served the dishes. Sha Zhixing had been looking for an apartment during the day, and had only eaten a piece of bread for lunch. It was already ten o'clock at night, and she was really hungry.

As soon as the food was served, Sha Zhixing ignored the presence of Luo Xichen and started eating with the cutlery.

Luo Xichen sat next to her and took some seafood from his plate. He peeled the shells carefully and put the delicious meat on Sha Zhixing's plate.

He had done this naturally when he was eating with her. He had done this since he was young.

Sha Zhixing, who was eating with her head lowered, was stunned by his thoughtful gesture.

She looked at the food on the plate quietly and said softly, "Luo Xichen, do you treat every woman like this?"

Luo Xichen, who was helping her peel the crab shell, turned pale. He was so angry that he wanted to fold her up and throw her into the sea.

What kind of person does this girl think I am? I don't have time for this!

He really wanted to yell at her, but in the end, he said, "Not every woman is as lucky as you."