Chapter 79 self-inflicted suffering

The current Luo Xichen made Sha Zhixing a little confused. However, she quickly calmed down when she thought about what happened last night. In just a few seconds, her eyes that had lost focus regained their clarity.

His world was too far away from hers. She could only be invincible if her mind was not confused!

She lifted the sheets and got off the bed. Sha Zhixing put on her slippers and walked into the bathroom.

The sound of water rang out a few seconds later.

The sound of silence was particularly clear in the quiet night.

Luo Xichen had been delayed by Mo Ningyu for the whole night. After he came back from buying medicine, something happened. He did not rest for the whole night. During the day, he stayed at home listening to the people who had been sent to check on Sha Zhixing and did not sleep. In addition, the two of them had come all the way from the villa. He was actually quite tired at the moment.

However, he could not fall asleep no matter how hard he listened to the sound of water.

It was such a quiet night, a romantic island, and a couple's suite. It was difficult not to daydream in such a situation. Luo Xichen was not a saint.

He was not calm in such an atmosphere.

Especially when the other party was Sha Zhixing.

Luo Xichen could not tell how he felt about Sha Zhixing. He had a special status. There were many women who threw themselves into his arms. However, none of them were as strong as Sha Zhixing. The feeling was natural. She did not even need to do anything...

"Sh*t!" Luo Xichen cursed in a low voice. He did not know who he was cursing at.

He felt that he had brought this upon himself!

It was more than ten minutes after Sha Zhixing came out. Her long, wet hair was draped over her shoulders, and she was wearing a loose bathrobe from the hotel.

The robe was very big, and it looked a little loose on her slim body. When she passed Luo Xichen, a faint fragrance came into his nostrils, making his heart itch.

In the dim light, Luo Xichen's exquisitely carved handsome face slowly looked up, and his gaze fell on her.

Sha Zhixing was holding a towel in her hand, wiping her wet hair as she went to the French window and pulled the curtains.

Luo Xichen looked at her steadily, his eyes full of understanding.

Sha Zhixing vaguely sensed the gaze on her body, and her back to him stiffened. She slowly turned her head and looked at his eyes quietly, looking at his dark eyes with a little surprise.

Luo Xichen stood up, and his slender legs suddenly walked towards her step by step.

Sha Zhixing looked at him in a daze and instinctively wanted to retreat. However, before she could do anything, Luo Xichen appeared in front of her like a gust of wind.

The path ahead was blocked. His tall figure left a silhouette behind him. He held her waist with one hand and pushed her against the wall behind him.

Sha Zhixing did not like their posture. It made her feel pressured. She glanced at him carefully and her eyes were confused. "Luo Xichen, what are you doing?"

The man who had touched her just a second ago had made such a move in the blink of an eye. She had trusted him!

Luo Xichen looked at her face inch by inch and said in a hoarse voice, "Sha Zhixing, what did you do to me?"

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

