Chapter 85: Zhixing, I'm here to see you

The working hours of Rong Xi Corporation start at nine o'clock.

It has been more than one minute.

Sha Zhixing was so angry that her eyes were red.

Because her second month's salary had also been deducted in this one minute!

The corners of Luo Xichen's lips curled up coldly. He took the bouquet in her hand and messed around with it as if he was destroying flowers. Then, he threw it into the trash can next to him one after another.

Then, he turned around and walked into the office with ease.

Sha Zhixing was about to close the door when she suddenly said, "Wait!"

Luo Xichen seemed to be easy to talk to. He paused and turned his head to the side, waiting for Sha Zhixing to continue.

Sha Zhixing looked up slowly and looked at him coldly. "Why are you doing this?"

Luo Xichen turned around and looked at her. He opened his mouth and said lazily, "Miss Sha, did you not hear what I just said?"

He paused and added, "If you don't understand, it seems that you should improve your IQ."

Sha Zhixing was furious at his sarcastic words.

Would he kill her if he did not entertain her for a day?

What did she do to provoke him?

Sha Zhixing was depressed. She looked at him with sharp eyes and clenched her fists. However, considering that this was an office, she held back her impulse.

Luo Xichen looked at her expressionlessly. When he walked into the room, he turned his head and looked at her. He said casually, "Don't accept other people's roses in the future."

He closed the door behind him.

Sha Zhixing was stunned. She slowly reacted to his words with a dark expression on her face.

Luo Xichen did not speak loudly when he said that, and his voice was very low. The two of them were the closest to each other. It was obvious that he had said it for her. No one else should have heard it.

What did he mean by that?

What did he have to do with her accepting the roses?

He was abusing his power and bullying her!

Last time it was a phone call, and this time it was a bunch of flowers. Sha Zhixing had only been here for two weeks, but her salary had been deducted for two months. She was furious.

She was probably the only person in the world who had suffered such a tragedy.

She already had a problem with Luo Xichen because of what had happened on the island. Now that he had caused such a ruckus this morning, her prejudice against him was even greater.

It was almost noon. Just as she was about to pack her things and get off work, there was a sudden commotion in the office.

Sha Zhixing had always been indifferent to matters that had nothing to do with her, so she did not care much about it. She lowered her head and continued to pack up her things.

The commotion in the office was very strong. The chattering sounds of discussion rose up from time to time, and it seemed to be increasing in intensity.

The last thing that made Sha Zhixing stop what she was doing was a shocked shout from a certain employee. "Isn't this Mo Yichen himself?"

Mo Yichen?

Why is he here?

Sha Zhixing suddenly raised her head after that, and her eyes slowly looked towards the door of the office.

Mo Yichen was wearing a casual outfit as he walked over. His handsome face was wearing a pair of super-black glasses, and the corners of his lips were slightly curved, causing an uproar wherever he passed by.

He came to Sha Zhixing's side, and his arm intimately put on her shoulder, pulling her into his embrace. "Zhixing, I'm here to see you!"