Chapter 90 don't be afraid, I will protect you

Sha Zhixing had never seen Luo Xichen like this before. After seeing him twice, she was amazed by his abilities and could not help but doubt his background.

Could he have some identity that she did not know about?

With this guess in her mind, she looked at him slowly.

Luo Xichen moved his wrist without batting an eyelid. He did not even look at the injured man. He pulled her into his arms and walked out of the door with her in his arms.

Just as they reached the door, a series of gunshots suddenly sounded behind them. The other men who had been standing there in a daze after Luo Xichen made his move quickly came back to their senses and pointed their guns in the direction of the two of them.

Luo Xichen glanced at the people behind him from the corner of his eyes. He narrowed his eyes slightly and reached into his pocket quietly with his drooping hands.

A faint golden light shot out from the corner of the pocket. It was a gold pistol.

Sha Zhixing was still surprised by her own guess. Her body was a little stiff in his arms and her mind was in a mess.

They had grown up together, and they knew each other very well. It was shocking to find out that the other party might have another identity.

Sha Zhixing could not tell what she was feeling right now. She was shocked, bewildered, and confused.

Luo Xichen quietly observed her reaction. He could not guess what she was thinking, and he did not want her to see a different side of him. After thinking for a while, he gave up the impulse to take the gun...

"Don't move!" a man shouted from behind.

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses and looked up at Luo Xichen. "What do we do?"

Luo Xichen let go of her waist and looked at her deeply. He lowered his voice and said, "I'll count to three. You run forward and don't look back. Remember!"

"What about you?" Sha Zhixing asked instinctively.

"Run back to the car. Don't be afraid. I'll protect you!" Luo Xichen did not answer her question. He looked at the car parked not far away and reminded her gently. He pushed her away and stood in front of her.

Sha Zhixing did not expect him to do this. She looked at him in a daze. Something was flashing in her eyes.

"Run!" Luo Xichen's face was expressionless, but his words were very firm.

Sha Zhixing knew what he meant. She looked at the distance between her and the car, then glanced at the group of people behind her who looked like they were pointing guns at the two of them. Her eyes struggled.

He was putting himself in danger in exchange for her safety.

However, she was out of danger. What should he do?

Sha Zhixing was very hesitant. Although she did not like some of Luo Xichen's actions, they had known each other for so many years. She was still very concerned about him when they were in danger.

She did not want anything to happen to him!

However, what could she do to help him if she stayed here? It might even distract him...

Sha Zhixing did not know how capable Luo Xichen was, but she was already suspecting his background. She had seen his fighting ability last time, so she guessed that he must have some background. She looked at the car not far away, hesitated for a moment, and then ran forward...