Chapter 82: A rabbit trapped in a trap

Luo Xichen's eyes swept over her, and his lips twitched when he saw the look in her eyes as if she was guarding against a wolf.

Sha Zhixing stared at him, her eyes unblinking as she observed his reaction. She did not dare to let her guard down at all.

Fortunately, Luo Xichen only glanced at her, then turned back to his newly-made bed, lifted the sheets, and lay down.

Sha Zhixing watched his series of actions quietly, still standing in the same spot without moving.

Luo Xichen seemed to have fallen asleep by the time the sound of breathing could be heard in the room.

Sha Zhixing let out a long sigh and tiptoed to the side of the bed. She curled up and lay down at the end of the bed.

The lights in the room were turned off after that.

At the same time, Luo Xichen opened his eyes.

His eyes fell on Sha Zhixing, who was curled up on the bed with her back to him. He thought about what had happened between the two of them and how he had acted so quickly. His eyes were as dark as the sea.

He seemed to need to figure something out...

It was almost two o'clock in the morning.

Sha Zhixing seemed to be so tired that she fell asleep soon after she got on the bed. She even forgot that she was sleeping with a certain animal.

Luo Xichen did not sleep for a day and night. He fell asleep soon after he heard her shallow breathing.

He slept very soundly that night. When he woke up in the morning, Sha Zhixing was no longer on the bed in the room.

Luo Xichen was stunned for a moment. He got out of bed and walked slowly towards the bathroom. "Zhixing!"

There was no one in the bathroom. Sha Zhixing was not there.

Luo Xichen frowned and put on his clothes. He wanted to run out of the room, but a white note floated over from the small table in front of the French window.

Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows slightly and bent down to pick up the note on the ground.

There was nothing else on the note. There was only one sentence left. "I have to continue looking for a room today. I'll go back first."

The words were left by Sha Zhixing. Her handwriting was delicate and beautiful. Her language was very simple. There was no joy, anger, sorrow, or worry to be read.

Luo Xichen slowly closed his fingers on the note and held it in his palm. He looked at the empty bed and his lips twitched.

The girl had left him alone?

Was he that scary?

Luo Xichen did not think much about what he had done. He threw the note into the trash can and left the hotel.

He did not care about the fact that Sha Zhixing had gone out to look for a house. Where else could a rabbit that was trapped in a trap escape to?

As he had expected, Sha Zhixing came back on time at around nine o'clock in the evening.

She entered the house with her eyebrows furrowed. It was obvious that she had met a wall outside.

What she did not understand was why her luck was so bad. Was the housing in T City that bad? It would be too abnormal if she could not find a suitable house after searching for a few days.

Sha Zhixing was extremely depressed. When she passed by the living room, she happened to catch a glimpse of Luo Xichen on the sofa. Luo Xichen was lazily leaning against the back of the sofa, his long legs lazily crossed. He was idly flipping through a magazine with an indifferent expression on his face.

Sha Zhixing looked at him fixedly. Thinking of the results of her search for a house these few times, her brows furrowed even tighter.

Could it have something to do with him?

Sha Zhixing was very suspicious. However, if it really had something to do with Luo Xichen, she could not figure out the reason behind his actions.

With an extremely depressed mood, she went upstairs and returned to her room.