Chapter 88: Luo Xichen, are you jealous

Luo Xichen smiled seductively, grabbed her hand, and led her downstairs.

Sha Zhixing followed behind him expressionlessly. As they walked, she silently thought about the reason for his anger. No matter how she looked at it, it looked very similar... Well?

"Luo Xichen!" Sha Zhixing suddenly called out to him from behind.

Such a formal call made Luo Xichen pause for a moment.

Sha Zhixing looked at her fixedly, and a sentence came out of her mouth unexpectedly. "You weren't jealous just now, were you?"

Her voice was casual and contained a hint of ridicule.

Luo Xichen's back stiffened and he stopped in his tracks. He looked at Sha Zhixing from the corner of his eyes.

Sha Zhixing was also stunned when she asked this question.

Sha Zhixing, do you think you are a golden peacock or a silver canary? Why would he be jealous of you?

She spat at herself in her heart and walked down the stairs in front of Luo Xichen. "Time for lunch!"

Luo Xichen looked at her back and thought about what she had said. His calm eyes were like a small stone that had been thrown into them, causing a small ripple...

The Luo family was located in a prosperous area. There was a lot of food around the office building, and it was all very high-end.

Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen walked side by side on the nearby streets. There was an impulse in their minds to use up his card to resolve their grievances.

However, Luo Xichen did not seem to care about money. Even if she had used up her card, he might not be angry about such things. Moreover, he had given her one of his cards to spend without even blinking.

With such a rational analysis, Sha Zhixing's hot blood quickly died down.

The two of them walked around the area. Luo Xichen wanted to take her to a high-end and high-class hotel, but just as they reached the door, Sha Zhixing grabbed the corner of his shirt.

Sha Zhixing looked up at him and said expressionlessly, "I want to eat hot pot!"

Luo Xichen was stunned and frowned.

Where can I find hot pot in this area?

Sha Zhixing quietly observed his reaction, and the corners of her lips curled up.

'Is it fun to torment me in the company? Hmph, you'll be tormented by me once we leave the company!'

Luo Xichen had never refused Sha Zhixing's usual requests since he was a child. Naturally, the same was true for food.

After some thought, he dragged her hand to the garage and drove to a certain direction in the city.

The two of them took a few turns and finally found a hot pot restaurant in a very lively food street.

There were many people in the restaurant. It was very noisy. The sound of rock-paper-scissors and the sound of wine glasses clinking could be heard everywhere.

Luo Xichen frowned when he saw the scene. He expressed his dissatisfaction with the restaurant with a straight face.

He hated noisy environments.

Sha Zhixing knew his temperament, but she ignored him and walked past him straight into the restaurant.

Luo Xichen followed behind her expressionlessly. The two of them chose a seat by the window and sat down. They ordered some home-cooked dishes. The waiter served the dishes very quickly and in a few minutes, all the dishes were served.

Sha Zhixing did not even look at him. She continued to heat the dishes and add seasoning. She was about to eat with her chopsticks when a thug's voice suddenly came from the next table. "Miss, why don't you come over and have a drink with us?"

The sudden voice stunned Sha Zhixing and she stopped what she was doing.

Drink with us?

F*ck, he's even more shameless than Luo Xichen!