Chapter 95: hit the nail on the head

Sha Zhixing knew that he was angry and that her words had offended him, but she did not understand what was wrong with her words.

Wasn't he such a person?

Luo Xichen's handsome face was cold. He did not care about the panic in her eyes and continued to move.

Sha Zhixing tried a few times but failed to stop him. She lay down under him and gave up struggling.

Luo Xichen was a little surprised that she was suddenly obedient, but he did not stop moving his hands. He came to the hem of her clothes and tried to pull it away, but Sha Zhixing suddenly said in a mocking tone, "Are you planning to use force?"

Her voice was clear and cold, and her expression was no longer as flustered as before. When she said this, her eyes were as calm as a pool of stagnant water that would never stir up waves.

However, it was this kind of gaze that made Luo Xichen's eyes sting, and all his movements suddenly stopped.

What was he doing?

There was silence in the car.

Sha Zhixing observed his expression without batting an eyelid. Her eyes were clear, like the wind, like the water, like the snow lotus on the cold peak, holy and pure.

Luo Xichen was angry. Not at her, but at himself.

He was not a person without self-determination, but he was easily provoked in front of her. What was wrong with him?

He lowered his eyes and looked at her face inch by inch. Looking at the coldness in her eyes, he let go of his grip on her.

Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly. Seeing that he had calmed down, she knew that the crisis was over. She sighed.

Based on their years of knowing each other, she still did not believe that he could really do this to her.

"Let's go back!" she said calmly as she tidied up her messy clothes.

It had been a simple lunch, but so many things had happened. The two of them didn't even have enough food to eat. Sha Zhixing was tired and hungry at the moment.

Luo Xichen glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and saw the fatigue on her face. He didn't say anything and started the car quietly.

Sha Zhixing sat in the car and her eyes fell on the scenery outside the window. The image of her driving to the shooting scene suddenly flashed in her sleepy mind. She blurted out a sentence. "When I arrived just now, were there a few people lying on the ground?"

Luo Xichen's hands trembled as he drove, and the car almost crashed into a tree on the road after hearing her words.

Why did she remember to ask this?

Sha Zhixing's eyes slowly turned to him, and she murmured, "...How did you deal with them?"

He was alone, and there were seven or eight of them, and they were all armed. How did he fight them all alone?

Luo Xichen's expression changed slightly at her question, but he quickly recovered after a few seconds.

The change in his expression was so fast that Sha Zhixing could not catch it.

"Take a guess," he lazily said. Luo Xichen pulled down a diamond button on his sleeve and flicked it lightly. The button flew out of his hand and pierced through the air like a bullet, hitting a wild fruit tree not far away. The slender branch fell down with a crash under the force.

Sha Zhixing was stunned.

This technique...

Was he trying to say that he had just used the button to kill them?

Sha Zhixing had never seen this technique of his before. After seeing it, she was not only shocked, but also stunned.

If such a button of his was able to penetrate a person's vitals, then wouldn't that person die?