Chapter 98, good news

Wen Lan did not notice her expression as she continued to introduce her

"The first photo is of the daughter of the CEO of Ronghua Corporation. She has only one daughter in her family and is worth tens of billions. I've met this girl once. She's a very quiet girl. She's smart, pretty, and knowledgeable..."

"The second photo is of the daughter of the Yuan Tai Corporation. The two sisters in her family have never seen her in person, but I heard that she's pretty good."

"This one is a relative of an old friend. Her family background is a little ordinary, but we don't mind that. As long as the two of them are suitable, it's fine, right?"


Wen Lan pointed at the photo on her phone screen and said a lot of things alone. Sha Zhixing listened quietly and did not say anything.

Wen Lan was looking for her as a consultant. She was a little dissatisfied with her silence. She smiled and said, "Zhixing, you're about the same age as these girls. You should know more about girls of this age. Tell Aunt Lan your opinion!"

Sha Zhixing slowly raised her head after her words. The corners of her lips twitched and she smiled. "Aunt Lan, it's better to let Xichen make the decision on his own, right?"

"Xichen is too busy. You grew up with him and you have a lot of the same preferences. If you choose her, maybe he will like her." Wen Lan seemed to be very confident in Sha Zhixing's aesthetic judgment.

Sha Zhixing frowned. Did Aunt Lan ask her to meet today to help Luo Xichen choose his first concubine?

"Xichen is not young anymore. It's time to think about marriage." Wen Lan's eyes were gentle at the mention of Luo Xichen.

Sha Zhixing did not refute her. She looked out of the window quietly without a trace of emotion in her eyes.

The two of them had a simple meal. Wen Lan did not go to the office to see Luo Xichen. She went straight back.

Sha Zhixing did not go to work in the afternoon. She went back to the villa and held the design drawings in her arms.

Luo Xichen came back at night. When he entered the house, it was dark as if no one was at home.

He frowned slightly, turned on the light in the living room, and went upstairs. He walked step by step to Sha Zhixing's room.

Sha Zhixing's back was facing him as she was drawing the design drawings. She was curled up in a large leather chair, holding a large drawing board in her hand. She scribbled a few strokes on the paper, tore off the paper, and crumpled it into a ball before throwing it into the trash can next to her.

She was very slim, and her entire body was wrapped up in the chair. From Luo Xichen's angle, he could only see the back of her slender neck and her curved profile.

Sha Zhixing seemed to have a problem with her thoughts. She scribbled a few strokes randomly, and before the design could take shape, another ball of paper was thrown out.

Luo Xichen walked into the room carelessly. He bent down and picked up the crumpled paper on the ground. He opened it and looked at it. With a flick of his finger, the small ball of paper drew an arc in the air and floated into the trash can in a parabola.

He stretched out his long arm and pushed her onto a small chair beside him. His big thorn took her place. Luo Xichen smiled. "Why is mom looking for you today?"

Sha Zhixing's hand that was holding the paintbrush stiffened. Her eyes darkened, but she quickly returned to her natural state.

Her lips moved. She wanted to say something, but the phone suddenly rang.

Sha Zhixing picked up the phone. Mo Yichen's voice suddenly came from the other side. "Zhixing, where are you? Come to imperial city with Xichen now. Something good has happened!"

The other end of the phone seemed to be very noisy. His voice was raised a little too high. Mu Siyan and Gu Yiran's voices could be heard beside him from time to time.

Sha Zhixing frowned.

What good could have happened to them?