Chapter 100 exploded

The audience was silent for a few seconds after Mo Yichen's words. Everyone's eyes fell on Sha Zhixing's face almost at the same time.

Sha Zhixing's face froze for a moment.

Was this what he meant by 'something good'?

Luo Xichen leaned against the sofa and looked at her from the corner of his eyes. His eyes were dark and his face was relaxed. There was not much expression on his face.

According to the rules of the game, Sha Zhixing could change her mind.

She wanted to change her mind too. However, with the way Mo Yichen and Gu Yiran were playing, she knew that they would not pass the test easily. It might be even more awkward than the difficult question at hand. When the time came, she would not be able to answer any of the explosive questions.

With this consideration, Sha Zhixing did not have to worry too much. Moreover, her first choice was not very difficult.

It was just a confession. It was not murder and arson. What did it matter?

The bar environment was dark to begin with. Even if she confessed to someone, they might not recognize her face.

Sha Zhixing was not as good as Mo Yichen, but she could still accept this level of play.

After a moment of hesitation, she stood up and wanted to walk out of the room, but her wrist was suddenly pulled back by someone. In the next second, her slender body fell onto the sofa behind her.

Sha Zhixing did not have time to react before Luo Xichen's slender body pressed down on her and pressed her against the back of the sofa. His cold lips instantly covered hers.

Sha Zhixing subconsciously raised her arm and wanted to resist. She turned her head to avoid Luo Xichen, but Luo Xichen's fingertips grabbed her chin and pulled her face away with absolute force. He bit her lips and refused to let go.

Yes, he bit her. He bit her very hard, as if he was punishing her.

Sha Zhixing had been tortured by Luo Xichen in the afternoon. Her lips were already red and swollen. Now, he was biting her lips so hard that they were burning and painful. All her senses were numb from the pain.

"I'll help you complete this punishment," Luo Xichen said in a hoarse voice in her ear.

Sha Zhixing was shocked. The look in her eyes widened as she looked at Luo Xichen.

It was not shyness or awkwardness, but... Why did she need his help? She didn't have masochism. If he bit her a few more times, she wouldn't be able to face anyone tomorrow?

He wasn't helping her. He was punishing her, wasn't he?

Punishing her for what? Was she going to confess to him?

"Luo... Luo Xichen, get up!" Sha Zhixing twisted her body and tried to struggle.

Luo Xichen turned a deaf ear to her words and kissed her one by one...

The rest of the people in the room all looked at the two of them. Their blood was boiling and their faces were red.

Young Master Luo was so intense, wasn't he afraid that the other party would not be able to handle it?

Mo Yichen sat on the sofa opposite the two of them, watching the scene without blinking, his eyes full of understanding.

The possessiveness revealed by Xichen's current behavior, even he himself probably did not notice it, right?

Gu Yiran was originally sitting next to the two of them, but now she was a little embarrassed to vacate her seat. She sat on the sofa on the other side of Mu Siyan and squeezed into a pile with him.

Mu Siyan watched this without batting an eyelid, the curve of his lips slowly rising.

How many emotions did he have to settle before he could explode to such an intense degree?

Sure enough, love was created through stimulation...