Chapter 92: You are much more charming than Beibei

Sha Zhixing fell silent after his words.

"Worried about me?" Luo Xichen pursed his lips, his eyes filled with interest.

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses after his words. She looked at him calmly and said, "A lot of people make me worry. My parents, Uncle Luo, Aunt Lan, Grandpa Luo, please excuse me..."

She suddenly said a lot of people around her. She paused and added, "Oh, by the way, if something happens to Beibei, I will be very worried too."

"Beibei?" Luo xichen gritted his teeth and squeezed out the two words from her mouth. His handsome face turned black. This wretched girl actually compared his status to a Tibetan mastiff!

Beibei, a Tibetan mastiff of the Luo family. Sha Zhixing's childhood playmate. They were very close.

"...Beibei is also a member of the Luo family." Sha Zhixing noticed that his expression did not look right. She added it cautiously, her hand secretly groped for the car door. She wanted to push it open and get off the car. However, just as she stepped out of the car, her waist was pulled from behind. Her slender body was forcefully dragged back into the car.

Sha Zhixing reacted quickly. As soon as she fell into the leather chair, she started thinking about how to fight back.

She grabbed Luo Xichen's collar with one hand and wanted to raise her knee and kick him away. However, Luo Xichen sensed her motive first. He grabbed her wrists with one hand and raised them above her head. Then, his tall body pressed down on her.

Luo Xichen was 188 centimeters tall. Sha Zhixing looked too petite compared to him. The space in the car was too narrow. Now that he pressed down on her, she did not even have the chance to dodge. She was completely under his body and could not move her hands or feet.

Luo Xichen lifted her slender chin with his fingertips. "Are you beating around the bush?"

"No, I'm not!" Sha Zhixing's expression did not change at all. She immediately denied it. "You misunderstood!"

"Am I on the same level as Beibei?" Luo Xichen continued to ask.

"Of course not! You are much more attractive than Beibei!" Sha Zhixing had such a heavy weight on her body. Her chest was short of oxygen and she just wanted him to get up quickly. Whatever he said, she would agree with him.

Luo Xichen's eyes twitched when he heard what she said. This girl was really smart.

He could not help but spit at himself when he thought of his current behavior.

F*ck, he was so childish that he was comparing his charm with a pet!

Sha Zhixing's face was red from the lack of oxygen. She carefully observed his face, and then looked at the posture of the two of them. She was shocked on the spot.

Why does the situation look so similar... Well...?

Sha Zhixing's face was a little uncomfortable. She twisted her restrained wrist and said softly, "Get up first!"

Her voice was soft and soft. She sounded helpless and flustered, but when Luo Xichen heard her voice, it was very seductive.

Luo Xichen's temper, which was about to explode, was extinguished by her soft voice. He narrowed his eyes and fixed his gaze on her face.

The woman beneath him had black hair that fell down to her shoulders. Her skin was as fair as snow, and her face was red. Her slender neck was slightly tilted up. No matter how one looked at it, it looked beautiful and a little... Seductive...

Luo Xichen did not have much self-control over Sha Zhixing. Now that he saw her like this, his eyes went blank. His handsome face subconsciously leaned towards her face...