Chapter 110 the lesson of biting

The strange feeling made Sha Zhixing's heart skip a beat, and she forgot to push him away.

The room was quiet.

After about five or six minutes, Luo Xichen seemed to have had enough. He slowly raised his head, but he did not let go of her arms.

He looked at the clear mark on her collarbone with satisfaction, and even rubbed it with his fingers. A smile appeared on his handsome face. "The lesson of biting!"

Sha Zhixing: "..."

Luo Xichen smiled, took the plate from her and walked towards the dining table.

Sha Zhixing followed behind him in a daze.

Was this a punishment?

Of course not.

This mark was more like the mark of love between a couple.

But what was her relationship with him? Had he taken advantage of her again?

Sha Zhixing despised herself.

What the hell was wrong with her to make people eat tofu again and again!

"Come here!" Luo Xichen's voice came from the dining table.

Sha Zhixing came to his side with her legs stiff. She wanted to sit opposite him, but before she could go over, Luo Xichen pressed her down and sat beside him. The chair that was not far away was even pulled closer by him.

Luo Xichen held a spoon in one hand and a fork in the other. After she sat down, he put the carrot sticks on her plate one by one.

He often did this with Sha Zhixing when they were young. The two of them often ate together, so it was convenient to cook.

Sha Zhixing had put the carrots on purpose. She knew that he did not like them, but she had put in a lot of scallions. Luo Xichen did not like them either. Who asked him to torture her in the middle of the night?

However, she had not expected that he would pick out these things and give them to her little by little.

What was even more unexpected was that Luo Xichen had asked her to help pick out the scallions after picking out the convenient carrot sticks. She had cut the scallions into small pieces and put them on the plate. She had deliberately messed it up to provoke him.

Sha Zhixing looked at the green bits on the plate with a bitter smile on her face. She was very reluctant, but her hands reflexively picked up the chopsticks and helped him pick them up.

She was stunned by her own actions.

Sha Zhixing, do you have masochism?

Luo Xichen smiled in satisfaction.

Sha Zhixing's actions were actually a habit that the two of them had formed when they were young. He would help her pick out the things that she did not like, and she would help him pick out the things that he did not like. As for the things that both of them did not like, Luo Xichen would still pick them out.

Sha Zhixing turned her head and saw the smug smile on Luo Xichen's face. She slammed her chopsticks on the table and said in an unpleasant tone, "Do it yourself!"

"You've already gotten used to it," Luo Xichen teased.

Sha Zhixing looked at him from the corner of her eyes. She was not angry at his words and said casually, "Do you need me to help you with your meals?"

Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows and nodded in surprise. "Sure."

Sha Zhixing was stunned by his words and looked at him strangely.

Luo Xichen looked at her and slowly spat out the last part of his sentence. "There's nothing to eat. Shall we make something else?"

Sha Zhixing's face turned red. "Shameless!"

Luo Xichen looked at her deeply and did not refute her words.

He had been puzzled for a long time. He would not have any scruples about her in the future!