Chapter 116: Male Sex

Luo Xichen opened his thin lips and teased, "Zhixing, your face is red again."

The words that came out of nowhere made Sha Zhixing's hand that was holding the needle tremble. She almost missed the needle.

Luo Xichen did not miss her subtle reaction. The corners of his lips curled up even higher.

"Do you need me to turn down the air conditioner?" His words were full of ridicule.

Sha Zhixing calmed down and looked up. She said nonchalantly, "Take off your clothes!"

Luo Xichen leaned back lazily and said, "Take off my clothes?"

Sha Zhixing did not need to think about it to know that Luo Xichen was thinking about something else. She calmed herself down and explained, "I mean, it's more convenient for me to help you fix the buttons."

"Are you sure you want me to take off my clothes?" Luo Xichen seemed to be in a good mood.

"Young Master Luo, you should pay attention to efficiency!" Sha Zhixing imitated his tone and rewarded him with the exact same words he had just said. She even imitated him.

Luo Xichen was amused by her tone.

Ha, this girl is quite cute sometimes.

Luo Xichen put his long and beautiful fingers on his collar and began to take off his clothes casually.

His movements were very lazy and there was an indescribable sexiness in his movements. He lifted his chin slightly and his lips were slightly curved. His eyes were shining with a soul-stirring beauty.

She had looked at this face for nineteen years and could not be more familiar with it. However, when she looked at him now, she was still easily distracted.

It was the first time that Sha Zhixing realized that this man was such a monster.

How many crazy bees and butterflies would such a man provoke in his life?

He was a natural disaster!

"Do I look good?" Suddenly, a voice sounded above her head. It was low and deep with a hint of mockery.

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses and calmed her expression. She snorted and looked disdainful.

Luo Xichen looked at her reaction with amusement and teased, "Zhixing, I see obsession in your eyes!"

Sha Zhixing choked on his words.


She was infatuated with him?

This person had a high level of self-esteem!

Sha Zhixing glanced at him and said sarcastically, "Do you think I'm in your harem?"

It was a simple sentence, but Luo Xichen's expression changed slightly and his eyes darkened dangerously.

Did this girl really think he was a stallion?

Sha Zhixing sensed the danger almost immediately and was stunned. She wanted to retreat further away from him, but Luo Xichen stretched out his long arm and pulled her into his arms.

"Luo Xichen, what are you doing? It's work time!" Sha Zhixing had already experienced his shamelessness when she came in the morning. She was afraid that he would act rashly, so she protested before he could do anything.

Luo Xichen looked at her coldly. His eyes were cold, like a cold wind mixed with Frost.

Sha Zhixing raised her head in shock and looked at him in confusion.

What was with his eyes? Why did it feel like he was going to beat her up?

Sha Zhixing's back was sweating a little. She wanted to resist, but Luo Xichen suddenly pushed her to the sofa behind her

In the corridor of the office, Mo Yichen walked towards Luo Xichen with Mo Ningyu. The sound of the siblings laughing and chatting was particularly clear in the quiet office.

"Hello, Young Master Mo, Miss Mo!" The chief secretary, Yi, greeted respectfully when she saw the two of them. She wanted to inform Mo Ningyu, but was stopped by Mo Ningyu.

She walked to the door and gently pushed it open. Just as she was about to poke her head in, she was stunned when she saw the scene in the room...