Chapter 123: Go back to your kingdom and make a scene

After what happened in the lounge, Sha Zhixing was on guard against Mo Ningyu.

Mo Ningyu's hand, which was holding the spoon, stirred the coffee in the cup quietly. After a long while, she slowly raised her head. "Xichen's identity is not suitable for just anyone."

Sha Zhixing smirked after her words.

It was indeed for Luo Xichen.

She looked at her calmly and said something that surprised Mo Ningyu. "I think so too. Miss Mo looks like a good match for him. I wish the two of you a happy marriage."

Mo Ningyu looked up in shock after her words. The expression on her face could be described as one of shock.

She wished her and Luo Xichen a happy marriage?

Sha Zhixing stood opposite her and looked at her quietly. "Luo Xichen has nothing to do with me. If Miss Mo feels that her feelings are threatened, she should look for a woman who is also worthy of him, not someone who is not worthy of him. If a person who is not worthy of him can be a threat to you, then Miss Mo should reflect on her own problems."

Her tone was very indifferent. It was as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

Mo Ningyu was shocked again.

She did not like Xichen?

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave first," Sha Zhixing said expressionlessly. She turned around and walked towards the stairs. After a few steps, she suddenly turned around and added, "I think that Miss Mo should keep a close eye on Luo Xichen and not just any woman by his side!"

Mo Ningyu was in a passive state from the beginning to the end. She did not even say a few words. What caught her attention was Sha Zhixing's last sentence.

Keep a close eye on him and not her?

Mo Ningyu could easily understand Sha Zhixing's words.

Luo Xichen had a noble status and outstanding looks. He was the most valuable bachelor in C City. How many women coveted the position of the Young Madam of the Luo family? Now that she was staring at Sha Zhixing, even if she was dealt with, countless other women would appear.

Instead of doing that, it would be better to tie Luo Xichen's body and mind tightly!

Mo Ningyu understood what Sha Zhixing meant, but how could she listen to the words of a powerful enemy?

If it wasn't for her, the relationship between her and Xichen might have been different!

"Sha Zhixing, stop!" Just as she was about to go downstairs, Mo Ningyu suddenly called out to her.

"Is there anything else?" Sha Zhixing stopped in her tracks and slowly turned her head.

Mo Ningyu walked towards her step by step and came to her side. She lifted her chin proudly and spat out four words, "Leave the Luo family!"

After her words, Sha Zhixing frowned slightly before she said something that caused Mo Ningyu's expression to change. "Miss Mo, I'm not a servant of your Mo family, nor am I any of your subordinates. If Miss Mo wishes to give orders, it seems like you should return to your kingdom!"

"Sha Zhixing, you!" The obvious sarcasm made Mo Ningyu's lips quiver in anger. She raised her arm and wanted to hit her, but her wrist was quickly controlled by her.

Mo Ningyu was a rich young lady and had the temper of a young lady, but Sha Zhixing's family was not bad either. Since young, how could she have suffered such grievances?

She had yet to return the humiliation she had suffered in the lounge. Coupled with her anger at this moment, the hand that was holding her wrist turned in the opposite direction. Mo Ningyu raised her hand and slapped her own face with two backhand slaps...