Chapter 128 was such a tacky thing

The car had just steadied itself when the waiter came up to greet Luo Xichen politely and led the two of them in a certain direction of the hotel.

Sha Zhixing followed behind him and looked around the hotel as they walked.

The decorations were all very elegant. The decorations were all in pairs, with an obvious style of a couple. Even the guests coming and going were in pairs.

Sha Zhixing watched the scene quietly and her brows furrowed.

Why did he bring her to such a place to eat?

It was as if they were on a date!

The gentle and beautiful waitress led the two of them to a room at the end of the corridor.

The Japanese sliding door was opened. After the two of them were seated, the waitress handed a bouquet of beautiful roses to Sha Zhixing. "Miss, this is a small gift that our hotel has meticulously prepared for every couple."

The expression on Sha Zhixing's face froze after her words. Her gaze was stunned, and her hand that took the flowers was a little stiff.

The waitress smiled and opened the menu. She made some dishes for the two of them and left quietly after they had finished ordering.

Sha Zhixing listened to the sound of the sliding door closing quietly. She put the flowers on the balcony and looked up at Luo Xichen with an interrogative look.

"Such a tacky thing, it has nothing to do with me." Luo Xichen snorted with disdain.

Sha Zhixing thought about it and agreed with Luo Xichen.

She and Luo Xichen shared the same dislike for red roses.

"Why don't we just find a random restaurant to settle this?" She remembered the time when they had gone to an island for a meal. She was still traumatized by the idea of having a special place.

Luo Xichen looked up and replied lazily, "I like it."

Sha Zhixing was speechless at his words. He was asking her to keep him company. Shouldn't he at least ask her if she liked it?

Although she had her own opinions, she did not express it. After all, it was not her money that was being spent.

Half an hour later, the waiter served the dishes that they had ordered. They were all Western-style dishes that Sha Zhixing could not name. What surprised her the most was the small desserts that came with them. The only thing they had in common was that they all had one plate, but there were two spoons on each plate. It was obvious that they were prepared for a couple.

She turned her head to the waiter and asked in puzzlement, "Is this also from the hotel?"

The man nodded with a smile and left the room quietly.

Sha Zhixing loved desserts very much. She took a small plate and wanted to taste the cake first. She took a bite with the small spoon and was about to scoop up the second spoonful when her wrist was caught by a hand.

Luo Xichen put his hand on the back of her hand and wrapped it around her hand. He led her to put the spoon into her mouth.

Then, the second spoonful, the third spoonful, the fourth spoonful...

Sha Zhixing's eyes were wide open.

This person was too shameless!

"I thought you didn't like desserts?" she asked lightly as she remembered how he had messed up the whole situation on the blind date. She remembered that he had disliked the couple's desserts.

Luo Xichen looked at her and fixed his eyes on the milk stain on the corner of her lips. Suddenly, he reached out his long arm and hooked it around the back of her head. He pulled her neck towards him and put his thin lips on hers. He said lazily, "Actually, I like the taste here more..."