Chapter 138 magnificent feast

Immediately after, the first sound of fireworks was heard. Bang! Bang! The sound of fireworks exploding was like a bamboo shoot popping up. It sounded from all directions continuously, one after another. The huge balcony was instantly lit up by all kinds of gorgeous colors.

It was a very beautiful fireworks scene. The dreamy purple light illuminated the entire sky, scattering bits of starlight in the dark night. It was like a meteor shower that was rarely seen in a hundred years. The flowing light was shimmering and magnificent.

The fountain square of the resort was directly opposite the balcony of the room. Sha Zhixing had seen the fountain when she first came here, but there was only water in the fountain at that time.

Now, as if in response to the fireworks, the spring water shot out like firecrackers. At the same time, a few purple beams of light shot out from the bottom of the pool, broke through the sky, and converged in the night sky. They formed two dazzling star shapes.

It was an extremely gorgeous visual feast. Countless stars were sprinkled in the sky, as if they would never disappear. Wave after wave, one after another, intertwined with the purple light of the fountain. They formed a vast and magnificent picture of the starry night.

Luo Xichen stood on the balcony of the room. The lights fell from the top of his head, casting a hazy silhouette behind him. His slender figure was reflected in the blurred light, and his handsome face was reflected in the hazy purple light. At this time, he was... As beautiful as a peerless god who had fallen into the mortal world.

Sha Zhixing's gaze slowly moved from his face to the sky above his head. She looked at the dazzling purple in the night sky and the two stars in the sky that were interwoven with the light from the fountain. Her head seemed to have been hit by something. Her pupils suddenly shrank and her eyes gradually lost focus...

Did he specially arrange this?

Luo Xichen walked towards her step by step. His tall figure was shrouded in a dreamy purple light. Behind him was the background of the fireworks that were still blooming. His eyes were locked quietly on her eyes. The corners of his lips were slightly curved, and his eyes were shining. He was magnificent.

This man was a monster who had only cultivated for a thousand years!

Sha Zhixing was dazed and confused.

Luo Xichen walked past her into the room and came to a table placed in the room. He poured a glass of red wine for both of them elegantly and came to her side with a glass of wine in his hand.

He handed one of the glasses to her and held his own glass. His slender and beautiful fingers gently shook the body of the glass. He looked at the wine-red liquid in the glass and his eyes slowly fell on the balcony.

The fireworks seemed to never stop and continued.

Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing stood side by side, their eyes fixed on the night sky outside the window. Their deep, sea-like eyes were like a softened pool of water, with an intoxicating warmth. The corners of their lips curled up slightly, and the faint smile on their lips was as bright as the light of spring in March.

However, Sha Zhixing did not notice this scene.

Her eyes were still fixed on the night sky. Looking at the two intertwined stars in the sky, she was a little absent-minded.

She did not know how many fireworks had been used up in the fireworks tonight, but she could imagine how much effort he had put into such a magnificent visual feast.

As long as one's IQ was not too low, it should be easy to imagine the purpose of a man doing all of this for a woman...