Chapter 144: Anger

The sheets on the bed and the sheets were still crumpled, but the person was no longer there. The wind lifted a corner of the curtains and brought a slight chill. The large suite was empty.

Luo Xichen looked at the empty room in a daze and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The person who was lying on the bed was suddenly gone. His heart tightened. He did not even have time to change his clothes. He slammed the door and ran downstairs.

The resort was very big and covered a large area. Luo Xichen hurried downstairs and looked around the village a few times before he ran outside to look.

The boulevard outside the resort was very quiet. There was no sign of a car, let alone pedestrians.

Luo Xichen looked around anxiously. He wanted to change the place again when a security guard at the entrance of the hotel suddenly walked towards him.

The security guard bowed respectfully to him and asked tentatively, "Hello, are you Young Master Luo?"

Luo Xichen was a little surprised. He slowly turned his head to the side and said, "I am."

The security guard looked up and smiled at him. "A young lady just told us to tell you that you don't need to look for her anymore. She has gone back."

Luo Xichen's expression changed after hearing the man's words.

She left?

She had left without him again!

The security guard left quietly after delivering the message.

Luo Xichen's forehead throbbed with pain. He punched a thick tree trunk next to him.

The branch of a tall camphor tree swayed a few times under his sudden strength, and its leaves fell off.

Luo Xichen looked at the time on his phone. His face was as cold as the winter wind.

This damn girl!

She did not want to stay with him so much that she had to leave this place at midnight?

The resort covered a large area. For the sake of the quiet environment, it was built in the suburbs far away from the city. It would be difficult to get a taxi back to the city at this time.

Luo Xichen did not know where she was. He quickly got into his car, started the engine, and left the resort...

Sha Zhixing was actually woken up by the sound of his shower. She immediately took a taxi back to the villa after she woke up.

Even if Luo Xichen did not tell her the purpose of taking her there tonight, she was not stupid. How could she not see through it?

Since she did not agree to him, what kind of position was she in to be in the same room with him?

So, she came back.

Sha Zhixing's mind was in a mess. Although she knew that her actions might make him very worried, she could not continue to stay with him when she thought of some scenes that were etched in her memory.

It was enough for them to maintain their current relationship...

Luo Xichen came back ten minutes later. The first thing he did when he entered the house was to rush into her room. He only heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that she had stayed quietly in her room.

"Sha Zhixing, don't you know how worried others will be when you leave by yourself? If you do this again, I'll beat you up!" He slammed the door to her room. He walked into the room and looked at her fiercely as if he was going to twist her up and beat her up.

Sha Zhixing was afraid that he would be unreasonable, that he would act like a hoodlum to her, but she was not afraid that he would hit her.

There were so many times in the past, even since she was young. When had he ever hit her?

"It's very late. It's time to sleep. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Sha Zhixing's hands rested on his chest. She pushed him towards the door, but he grabbed her wrist.