Chapter 140. The suite fee for tonight is on me

Sha Zhixing did not want to talk to him anymore. She turned her head and tried to look away, but Luo Xichen looked straight at her again.

Sha Zhixing glared at him and tried to look away again, but he turned her back again.

After a few rounds of this, Sha Zhixing got angry and said in a bad tone, "Luo Xichen, what do you want?"

Luo Xichen's eyes were fixed on her angry face. He smiled slightly and made a gesture that made her even angrier.

He patted her cheeks lightly and said casually, "You look much more angry now."

"Get lost!" Sha Zhixing gave him a word with a cold face.

Luo Xichen smiled and did not mind her words.

He was not afraid that she would be angry, but he did not like her cold gaze. It was as if she was facing a stranger, and it made him very irritated.

He sat down next to her, picked her up, and pressed her down on his lap. An arm naturally wrapped around her slender waist. When he did this, it was hard to tell if his big hand was intentional or not. The arm brushed past her armpit.

Sha Zhixing glared at him, her eyes fixed on his hand that was about to touch her chest. Her voice was as cold as ice. "Get your hand off me!"

Luo Xichen ignored her words and looked at her face carefully. He suddenly asked again, "What happened?"

"Nothing." Sha Zhixing pushed his arm that was on her waist. She wanted to sit next to him, but Luo Xichen pulled her back.

"Luo Xichen!" Sha Zhixing was really angry now. She could not hide the anger on her face.

Luo Xichen did not care about her angry expression. He pinched her chin with his fingertips and looked at her face inch by inch, trying to find out something from her face.

Although Sha Zhixing was not a gentle person, she was definitely not the type of person who would go through ups and downs. He had a hunch that she had something on her mind.

However, he could not figure out what it was.

Sha Zhixing did not explain anything. She was wearing a bathrobe and Luo Xichen was only wearing a towel. They were sitting together like this. Even if their bodies were not touching, she could feel the warmth from his body. She was not used to being too intimate with him, and sitting like this made her feel uncomfortable.

She pushed him away and stood up. She went straight to the room and picked up the clean dress he had prepared for her.

After a few steps, she turned her head and looked at him. She waved the golden card in her hand in front of him and said casually, "I'll pay for the suite tonight."

The card was very flashy and shiny. Judging from its exquisiteness, one would have to be a VIP with a bank balance of at least zero. He had given her the card.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched. It was not because of the card, but because of her attitude.

What kind of attitude was this girl giving him?

Was it a one-night stand?

"Sha Zhixing, stop!" He narrowed his eyes and his handsome face darkened.

Sha Zhixing sensed that something was wrong. She wanted to open the door and rush out of the room. She was fast. But Luo Xichen was faster than her. Just as her hand touched the doorknob, Luo Xichen's tall body suddenly pounced on her before she could step out.