After Chapter 150, my room is here!

Luo Xichen admired himself for being able to ask such a serious question at a time like this.

"Okay." Sha Zhixing nodded vigorously. She would respond to whatever he said.

For the sake of his generosity tonight, she would let him have his way this time.

Luo Xichen's fingertips stroked the side of her face for a while. He stared at her beautiful lips quietly, as if he had been bewitched. He cupped her face with both hands, lowered his head, and kissed her cold lips.

Sha Zhixing's body stiffened. She looked at him with her misty eyes. She wanted to resist, but she raised her hands and gave up on the impulse.

Luo Xichen's temper was that the more you resisted him, the more he would go all out!

After everything that had happened tonight, Sha Zhixing did not have the energy to continue fighting with him.

It was just a kiss. She had been kissed so many times by him. This time was not a bad thing...

Luo Xichen kissed her attentively. His actions were not as rude as before. On the contrary, there was a faint gentleness.

Sha Zhixing quietly looked at his face, which was very close to her, as well as his eyes, which were as deep as the sea. Her gaze was a little absent-minded.

Luo Xichen's eyes were very deep. The color of his eyes was very deep, like a bottomless sea. It was very easy to sink into it.

How many women had fallen for those eyes?

Sha Zhixing sighed in her heart.

She even thought that if the Luo Corporation went bankrupt one day, Luo Xichen would have a way out with just his face. With his capital, if he were to enter the entertainment industry or the modeling industry, he would definitely become famous?

Luo Xichen was surprised that she was so obedient. He lowered his eyes and looked at her face. He saw that she was in a daze. He let go of her body and laid down with her. He teased her casually, "Are you interested in my face?"

Sha Zhixing answered him rudely. "I should be able to sell it for a good price."

"Selling it for a price is also a form of capital!" Luo Xichen did not think much of it.

Sha Zhixing glanced at him with disdain in her eyes.

He was a grown man. Wasn't he ashamed of his monstrous looks?

"Go back to your room and sleep!" She pushed him and changed the topic.

"I don't want to!" Luo Xichen replied lazily. He turned around and pulled her into his arms. His long arms naturally wrapped around her waist.

Sha Zhixing glanced at his arms and her lips twitched.

Is he getting more and more casual?

She glanced at the pig rabbit lying on the other side of her. Sha Zhixing picked it up and put it in his arms while she withdrew from his arms. "You like it. It's soft and supple!"

Luo Xichen despised the rabbit very much. He did not even look at it. He just threw it to the side and pulled her into his arms again.

He looked at her leisurely and curled his thin lips. He said lazily, "I like Miss Sha more like this. She can hug me as much as she wants and ravage me as much as she wants..."

Then, he added, "Twenty-four hours!"

Sha Zhixing was so angry that her face turned red. She grabbed the pig rabbit as a weapon and swung it at Luo Xichen. "Luo Xichen, you're shameless!"

"So what?" Luo Xichen was not ashamed at all. The expression on his face did not even change.

Sha Zhixing kicked him. "Go back to your room!"

"My room is here from now on!" Luo Xichen grabbed her ankle with one hand and said like a bomb.