Chapter 164, Young Madam Luo

Even though Sha Zhixing did not look at Luo Xichen's expression, she could tell from his anxious actions that he must be up to no good.

After Luo Xichen went upstairs, he went straight to his bedroom, took out the daily necessities inside, and transferred them to Sha Zhixing's room.

Sha Zhixing sat on the sofa and watched him being busy, her gaze unhurried, the corners of her lips curling up.

Today, Luo Xichen had completely changed her view of him. After coming back from the mall, he was always in a hurry to do anything. That kind of loss of control was like a completely different person from his usual self.

After about an hour of work, Sha Zhixing was browsing through the information on the sofa. She was reading the latest catalogues of major jewelry brands, about jewelry design.

No one in the Sha family was in this industry, but she seemed to have been interested in this field since she was young. The toys she used to play with when she was young were not dolls. She liked to play with An Xin's jewelry box.

Luo Xichen sat next to her and put his head close to her face. Their faces were very close to each other. He looked at the things she was reading and smiled.

He had been interested in this since he was young. He had been born next door to her. Was this the fated fate?

He did not believe what he had heard. However, when he thought about his and Sha Zhixing's experiences, he felt that this word seemed to be suitable for them. He even had the idea that Sha Zhixing was born for him. It was only a matter of time before she became the Young Madam of the Luo family.

Young Madam Luo...

Luo Xichen's eyes warmed as he chewed on the word. He put his long arm around Sha Zhixing's waist, took the heavy magazine from her hand, and put it aside. He pressed her down on the sofa and laid her head on his lap.

It was a very intimate gesture.

Sha Zhixing was a little uncomfortable. She had just agreed to try dating him, and the two of them were already living the life of an old married couple. It was quite a loss for a woman.

It was as if the two of them had just started holding hands and had gone through the stage of having a baby before they had even kissed each other.

She had not even tried the feeling of being in a passionate relationship!

However, Sha Zhixing did not push him away shyly. She did not need to be so pretentious when it came to what an old married couple did.

She took the book that she had just flipped through and started reading again.

Luo Xichen's arms were on her waist. He was looking at her leisurely. From his angle, he could see the edge of 32B on her chest.

"Let mom make more papaya soup when we go back!" Luo Xichen said mockingly. His lips curled up slowly.

"B*stard!" Sha Zhixing's face turned red. She picked up the magazine in her hand and tried to block his eyes.

Luo Xichen laughed and waved the book away. He lowered his head, buried his face in Sha Zhixing's neck and kissed her.

"When do you want me to transfer to the design department?" Sha Zhixing saw that Luo Xichen seemed to be in a good mood and took the opportunity to ask.

"Miss Sha, are you talking to me in your personal capacity or as a secretary?" Luo Xichen looked at her from the corner of his eyes and teased her.

"Is there any special treatment for a personal capacity?" Sha Zhixing smiled.

"That depends on your performance!" Luo Xichen looked at her brazenly. His words sounded fair, but his words seemed to have a different meaning.