Chapter 162 was so urgent

Luo Xichen ignored her and ran out of the mall with her in his arms. He went straight to the parking space and put her in the passenger seat. He rolled down the window and used his body to shield her. He hugged her tightly in his arms.

His arms were holding her tightly. He was holding her slender waist with such force that it was as if he wanted to melt her into his own blood.

Sha Zhixing's eyes were messy and her mind was blank.

Luo Xichen was usually a very steady person, but he obviously lacked patience at this moment. After hugging her for a while, he kissed her lips and tried to remove her clothes. However, before he could do anything, Sha Zhixing held his wrist.

"Zhixing!" He sounded a little anxious and annoyed.

"Let's go back first!" Sha Zhixing looked around at the crowd and pushed him.

"Let's take care of this for now!" Luo Xichen was in a bad mood. He did not want to listen to her. He lowered his head and wanted to move closer to her again.

Sha Zhixing tilted her head to the side and cleverly avoided his approach. She placed her hand between the two of them.

Luo Xichen looked at her hand from the corner of his eyes. He did not want her hand to get in the way. He held her wrist with one hand and pressed her hand against his chest. His handsome face leaned over again.

"Luo Xichen!" Sha Zhixing growled his name in a low voice. She sounded a little angry.

So impatient. How long has it been since he had a woman?

Luo Xichen really wanted to ignore her words. However, when he saw her slightly angry eyes, he held back all his impulses.

"It's not convenient outside. Let's go back and continue!" Luo Xichen did not want to make things too difficult for her. He shamelessly whispered in her ear. Luo Xichen let go of her body and sat back in the driver's seat. He did not continue to make things difficult for her.

Sha Zhixing raised her hand and hit him with a red face.

Why did he have to say such a thing?

Luo Xichen pressed down on her fist and wrapped her hand in his palm. He looked at her angry face, smiled, and started the car to leave the mall.

When Mi Le came down from the top floor, she saw the shadow of the car leaving in the dust.

The moment they passed each other, she quickly took out her camera to capture the two people who had left. The corners of her lips curled up bit by bit.

She had made a lot of money coming to T City with such explosive news!

She took out her phone and called the newspaper excitedly. "Hello, chief editor. I have the first-hand news about Luo Xichen here. I've got it. I'll send it to you when we get back to the hotel..."

After the call ended, she raised the camera in her hand. The corners of Mi Le's lips curled up even higher...

Luo Xichen drove Sha Zhixing out of the shopping mall. The white Lamborghini sped along the road, almost brushing past other cars several times. When they reached the villa, he slammed the car door and grabbed Sha Zhixing's hand. He led her straight to the room upstairs.

Sha Zhixing was speechless at this craziness. Was he too excited today or... Had been too long since he had touched another woman?

She was happy to realize the problem.

She was very narrow-minded. She could only accept that her man's body and mind belonged to her alone. It was too promiscuous. She found it dirty...

She did not know whether a man of Luo Xichen's status had ever had a woman in the past. They had talked so much today. She did not want to fuss about the past, but she could not ignore him in the future.

At least, after she had promised him to try dating, he could only belong to her in the future and now...