Chapter 179, what do you like?

And since she was young, Sha Zhixing had never seen Luo Xichen do such a thing for another woman.

She was very satisfied with this point of his.

As she thought about it, Sha Zhixing's lips curled up.

Who wouldn't want their man to be special only to her? She was just an ordinary woman. Her thoughts were so shallow. Since she had decided to be with him, he could only give her his good!

"What are you thinking about?" Luo Xichen looked at her smiling face and smiled happily.

"Eat your food!" Sha Zhixing did not explain directly. She peeled some seafood for him and put it in front of his mouth. Her fingertips touched his lips and wanted to withdraw, but Luo Xichen held her hand and did not let her back down. The tip of his tongue even deliberately bit her jade-like fingers.

Sha Zhixing's body stiffened and her face blushed uncomfortably.

What Luo Xichen hated the most was her blushing face. It was like a blooming epiphyllum, shy and bashful, not like her usual fresh image. It had a seductive allure that bewitched people's eyes and made people want to get close to her. They could not help but want to defile her pure white!

Luo Xichen was an absolute man of action. His eyes were fixed on her. His eyes darkened and he suddenly leaned against the chair behind her

Sha Zhixing was shocked by his sudden action. Her face changed slightly and her eyes were messy. "Luo Xichen..."

Her voice was soft and weak. She was a little flustered and helpless.

"Huh?" Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows and looked at her. His last syllable was a little long.

Sha Zhixing's heart was beating very fast. She wanted to retreat and escape even more. However, the strong will in her bones made it impossible for her to do such a cowardly act.

She held back her impulse and looked at herself, then at Luo Xichen. Her face turned red. "Don't be like this!"

"What do you want then?" Luo Xichen's voice was low and hoarse, and there was a faint smile on his face. He leaned over and his thin lips moved closer to hers.

Sha Zhixing wanted to reject him, but she held back her impulse when she thought that this would happen sooner or later.

She pulled herself together and lowered her hand.

Luo Xichen looked at her stubborn expression and felt her tense nerves. He could not help but smile.

She must be nervous, right?

He stood up and looked at her face. Luo Xichen suddenly picked her up with his arms.

She was a little surprised by his action.

"I want to show you something." Luo Xichen did not explain much and carried her to the deck in this position.

Sha Zhixing was held by him like a child. Her arms were around his neck and her legs were dangling. This position made their faces face each other. She could see his eyes and even the slight undulations in his eyes.

This made her a little uncomfortable. She wanted to get down, but Luo Xichen refused.

He held her tightly with his arms and strode towards the deck with her in his arms.

The cruise ship was very big, but Sha Zhixing had not seen any outsiders except for a few waiters on the ship. It was obvious that the ship had been booked.

The waiters would not come to disturb them when they did not need it.

There was no difference between the two of them. The whole ship was empty. The good thing was that Sha Zhixing would not feel awkward with them in such an intimate position...