Chapter 181: A quick and painless battle

Sha Zhixing felt an itch in her throat. She shrank her neck a few times and wanted to avoid it. However, when she thought about the purpose of coming here tonight, she held back her impulse and suddenly raised her head. She looked straight at Luo Xichen and said something that almost made him choke.

She said, "Luo Xichen, let's finish this quickly!"

Sha Zhixing raised her chin slightly as she said this. There was a hint of arrogance in her voice. She looked as if she was on the execution ground. Her gaze was a little nervous, but it would be difficult to notice if she did not look carefully.

She was actually thinking about what would happen sooner or later. Instead of making her nervous all the time, it would be better to end everything after the pain.

Luo Xichen did not expect a girl to say such a bold thing. He had been enduring it since he had slept with her for the past few days. It was his limit to endure it until now.

He was not a good person to begin with. Why did he have to pretend to be a gentleman?

He put his arms around her waist and pushed her to the guardrail on the side. He then pressed his body against it

When everything was over, the two of them lay flat on the floor. Sha Zhixing was so tired that she was out of breath. She did not even want to move a finger. In order to vent her pain, she had even scratched Luo Xichen's back a few times.

Luo Xichen held her in his arms. His eyes were obviously lazy after he had eaten his fill. Even his brows were relaxed.

Sha Zhixing's entire body was in pain. She had nowhere to vent her frustration. In the end, she raised her hand and punched Luo Xichen in the chest.

Luo Xichen did not stop her. He let her gentle strength fall on him. He teased her leisurely. "Zhixing, it's time for you to strengthen your training!"

"Shut up!" Sha Zhixing scolded him with a cold face.

She did not know what he meant when he said that earlier. However, she did not understand what he meant when he suddenly said that. They had just done so many things. She did not understand that there was something wrong with their IQ!

Luo Xichen smiled faintly. He was in a very happy mood after eating.

Sha Zhixing looked at his smile and wanted to punch him. What was even more puzzling was that she was so tired that she did not want to move. Why was he still so energetic?

Luo Xichen, you weirdo!

"Zhixing, it's still early. Why don't we..." Luo Xichen's fingertips caressed her smooth skin. Just as he was about to say something, there was a loud bang on the surface of the sea. A few beams of fire shot into the sky. Then, fireworks were set off in all directions.

Sha Zhixing thought that Luo Xichen had arranged it. She turned her head slowly to look at him.

Luo Xichen shook his head gently and helped her tidy up her messy dress. Then, he held her in his arms and went to the bow of the boat.

It was a very spectacular fireworks scene. The surface of the sea was covered in stars in all directions. However, unlike the romantic scene at the resort last time, this time there seemed to be a festive atmosphere. Looks like somebody put it there to celebrate something.

Sha Zhixing was confused, Luo Xichen's cell phone suddenly rang.

The phone call was from Mo Yichen. He sounded particularly excited. "Yichen, where are you? We're having a birthday party. Do you want to come?"


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