Chapter 190 brothers are like brothers, women are like lives!

"As long as you are happy!" Luo Xichen replied with a few words, his hand touching her smooth shoulder.

He was not trying to fool her. Mo Ningyu had crossed his bottom line this time. Even he could not bear to hurt her since she was young, but she almost died in the sea because of her!

When Luo Xichen rushed over and saw the scene, he was furious. As long as Sha Zhixing wanted to return the favor in the same way, he did not mind Mo Yichen's feelings at all.

Brothers were like brothers, but she was his life!

Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly. She fell silent when she saw his handsome face instantly filled with malice.

His eyes told her that he might really do it!

"I'm joking with you." She smiled and said disdainfully, "It's so boring to play like this. Nothing will happen after the pain."

"How do you want to play then?" Luo Xichen's gaze softened under her smile. His fingertips fiddled with the collar of her gown as he asked with a smile.

Sha Zhixing looked up at him quietly. Her gaze swept over his facial features that looked like they were crafted by a craftsman, and the corners of her lips curled up into a proud smile.

She was by his side now, and she was also by his side every night. This was probably the most painful thing for Mo Ningyu, right?

"Leave it to Yichen. He should know what to do." Sha Zhixing returned to her senses and acted as if nothing had happened.

Luo Xichen was slightly taken aback by her answer. He was obviously a little surprised by her answer.

She didn't seem like the person he knew.

Sha Zhixing also felt that this decision didn't seem like her. However, she knew about the relationship between Mo Yichen and Luo Xichen. If anything happened to Mo Ningyu, their relationship would definitely fall apart.

He was willing to sacrifice his life for her. How could she have the heart to chop off one of his limbs?

She didn't pursue the matter, and Luo Xichen didn't pursue the matter.

It was more appropriate to let Mo Yichen handle this matter. He believed that Mo Yichen wouldn't be biased.

"It's so cold!" Sha Zhixing suddenly whispered beside Luo Xichen.

"Cold?" Luo Xichen came back to his senses and glanced at her wet clothes. He stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his embrace. He pressed her against his body.

Then, he casually said, "Why don't we do some warm-up exercises?"

It was an ambiguous sentence. Sha Zhixing knew what he meant.

"Oh, I'm so sleepy!" She pretended not to understand what he said. She looked away and even raised her hand. She pretended to yawn.

"Go to sleep then." Luo Xichen looked indifferent.

Sha Zhixing was shocked by the three words. She looked at him slowly and wondered if she had heard wrong.

Since when was he so easy to talk to?

Luo Xichen did not explain. He put his arms around her body and pushed her onto the grass behind him. He pressed his body on her and added, "You sleep on your own, I'll do mine."

"Luo Xichen, are you shameless?" Sha Zhixing's face turned red and she punched him in the chest.

Luo Xichen looked at her hand, which was only half the size of his fist, with disdain. He grabbed her wrist with one hand and fixed it to his side. Then, he unzipped the back of her gown...

In the dark night, the flickering light of the fire reflected the two intertwined figures. The quiet jungle opened up a beautiful scene.

Later on, he answered the question of 'do you have any shame?' with his actions...