Chapter 193: the Second Young Master in charge of ruining the show

In fact, Luo Xichen was also a little uncomfortable under An Xin's gaze, so he went along with her.

An Xin gave him the feeling that she was as shrewd as a fox. Although he was also a fox, there were many women's thoughts that he could not understand, especially the thoughts of his mother-in-law.

Luo Xichen had no idea what she was looking at.

"Alright, I'll have to trouble you, Xichen." An Xin nodded after the two of them spoke. She was always smiling when she spoke, and she gave off a very friendly feeling.

"You're too kind, auntie." Luo Xichen smiled faintly and got into the car in front. He drove the two of them to a restaurant in the suburbs.

They were going to a restaurant that he had brought Sha Zhixing to before. It was close to the seaside and was mainly about style. The private room looked like a sea of orchids at a glance, and then the seaside when they went out. They could see the sea view as well as the flower scenery.

The petals of the flowers outside the courtyard drifted as they ate. It was very quiet and beautiful.

"Please order, auntie!" Luo Xichen handed the menu to An Xin politely after the waiter brought it over.

An Xin waved her hand and smiled indifferently. "You don't have to take special care of me. You can just order whatever you want."

Luo Xichen did not stand on ceremony with her since they were already so familiar with each other. He took the menu and started making his own decisions.

However, words like 'Zhixing has a cold, seafood is not allowed, spicy food is not allowed, and oily food is not allowed' could be heard from time to time.

Sha Zhixing was sweating a little.

She was flattered that he was so concerned about her.

An Xin listened to him with a smile on her face. Her eyes were thoughtful.

She had watched Luo Xichen grow up. She knew Luo Xichen at least half as well. She had never seen him so considerate since she was a child.

Sha Zhixing observed her reaction without batting an eyelid. Her arm felt a little scared when she saw the inquisitive look in her eyes.

Why does mother keep staring at him?

Sha Zhixing was afraid that she would notice something amiss. She pulled Luo Xichen, who was sitting in the middle, to the side and sat between the two of them in his place.

"Zhixing, what are you doing?" An Xin looked at her with a reproachful tone.

"Mom, we haven't seen each other for so long. Don't you have a lot to say to me?" Sha Zhixing's lips curled up and her gaze was casual. Her expression was very similar to An Xin's.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched as he looked at her.

They were indeed mother and daughter. Even their expressions were the same!

"Let's eat first!" An Xin had wanted to observe Luo Xichen more, but now that Sha Zhixing had messed things up, she felt bored and began to eat elegantly with the cutlery in her hands.

Luo Xichen did not eat immediately. Instead, he took a knife and fork and cut the meat on his plate into small pieces. Then, he put them on Sha Zhixing's plate.

His movements were very natural. It felt like he had practiced it countless times.

Then, he brought a peeled prawn to his lips. Sha Zhixing had used her hand to feed him. His movements were very natural.

An Xin was slightly taken aback. Her eyes looked in the direction of the two of them again.

Sha Zhixing froze the moment she met her eyes.

They often did this when they were eating alone, but that was when they were two people!

What would she think of them now that her mother had seen them?

Was he trying to undermine her?

Sha Zhixing suddenly had the feeling that Luo Xichen was going against her. She kicked him lightly under the table and lowered her voice to remind him. "We agreed to cooperate!"