Chapter 209, he was back

He had considered the matter of going abroad for a long time. Wen Lan had not asked him to do anything since he was born. He could not refuse this matter.

However, considering Sha Zhixing, he had been hesitating for the past few days.

The two of them could be separated from each other, but when he went abroad, he would be constantly bothered by company matters. It was a problem when he could come back. Moreover, who knew how many changes would happen in two years?

Wen Lan's proposal was originally a temporary one. It was too sudden. He was afraid that when things were settled there, something else would happen!

It was his skill to act as if nothing had happened in the past few days. He could easily cover it up no matter how big the matter was.

He did not tell Sha Zhixing. He just had not thought of how to tell her...

Luo Xichen was frustrated. He poured one glass after another. Before he knew it, more than half of the bottle of wine had gone.

Sha Zhixing sat in her room, thinking about Luo Xichen. Her heart was in a mess.

The two of them were separated by a room. They did not communicate for the rest of the night.

Luo Xichen did not come to her room to harass her.

In the remaining few days, Sha Zhixing worked at the company as usual.

Luo Xichen left two or three days later. Sha Zhixing did not know the exact time of his flight. Mo Ningyu was the one who called her when she received the news.

Mo Ningyu said, "Xichen has already gone to the airport. Aren't you going to send him off? '

Sha Zhixing's feelings were very complicated when her former love rival informed her about this. Apart from the fact that Mo Ningyu actually told her about it, she was even more surprised that Luo Xichen really did not tell her before he left.

A sense of bitterness welled up in Sha Zhixing's heart. She hung up the phone and went upstairs to her room.

She picked up the drawing board and sketched the design. Then, she fidgeted with the paper and threw it aside. She continued to draw and throw it away.

After a few rounds, she finally closed the drawing board.

Why was she fidgeting here? He did not even bother to say goodbye to her!

Sha Zhixing was the kind of person who could survive even if she was the only person left in the world.

She put the drawing board aside and turned to go downstairs to make dinner for herself.

There was still a lot of food to cook. She used to eat for two, and she sat alone in the dining room, slowly swallowing the food. However, she couldn't taste anything.

Sha Zhixing felt a wave of irritation in her heart. She put the cutlery aside and stomped on her slippers to go upstairs.

Just as she took the last step on the spiral stairs, the door of the villa suddenly opened with a 'click' sound.

Sha Zhixing was slightly stunned, and her footsteps slowly stopped.

A figure was walking towards them on the cobblestone path outside the main house. The crisscrossing steps were slow and steady, and the sound of footsteps was familiar to her.

Sha Zhixing was shocked, and her eyes glazed over for a moment.

He's back...

Luo Xichen pushed open the door of the hall and entered the house. He looked up and saw Sha Zhixing standing at the top of the stairs. He was a little surprised.

It was evening now, and she was wearing a homely dress. Her long hair was casually combed into a loose bun. A few strands of hair fell on her shoulders, and her face was covered a little. It was a little messy, and the dress on her was also loose. It was very casual and a little sloppy.

Her gaze was also on him. When she saw him at this time, there was surprise and surprise in her eyes. Other than that, there was also a trace of dark waves slowly spreading out...