Chapter 206 only cared about her

Her voice was very faint, and there was even a smile on her lips when she spoke. It felt as if she was joking with him.

However, Luo Xichen knew that something must have happened when she suddenly said this to him.

Otherwise, the Sha Zhixing that he knew would not be like this.

His eyes swept over her face inch by inch, and he observed her expression without batting an eyelid. He asked gently, "Zhixing, what happened?"

"Didn't you hear what I just said?" Sha Zhixing turned to look at him. Her tone was calm, as if she was just asking a question. There was no extra emotion in her tone, nor was there any sign of anger.

Luo Xichen was even more confused by her behavior.

"We don't have to wait for three months. It's over now," Sha Zhixing said slowly, then walked past Luo Xichen to the side of the road.

She was walking very slowly, her back straight, and her back was stubborn and proud.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at her quietly. He did not catch up with her immediately. Instead, he strode into the Imperial City.

When he returned to the private room, the people in the room were surprised to see him.

Luo Xichen did not even look at the others. He looked straight at Mo Ningyu and asked, "What did you say to her just now?"

His eyes were very cold and there was a chill in them. His tone was not questioning, but interrogating.

Sha Zhixing had only gone out for a short while. Mo Ningyu was with her when she left. He thought about it and realized that the problem could only be with Mo Ningyu.

Mo Ningyu had never seen him like this before. She stared at him blankly for a long while and said embarrassedly, "I told her that you were planning to go to Northern Ireland. As for the rest..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the door was slammed shut and Luo Xichen had already disappeared.

Mo Ningyu looked at the closed door in a daze and smiled self-deprecatingly.

She was the only one he cared about...

Luo Xichen went straight back to the villa after leaving Imperial City.

It was still very early. He was not worried about Sha Zhixing's safety at this time. With his understanding of her, even if she was unhappy, she would not do anything that she could not understand. At most, she would go home and lock herself in the room.

This was the Sha Zhixing he knew. Although she looked like a delicate dodder, she was actually more resilient than anyone else!

When he returned home, the lights in the living room were very dim. Sha Zhixing was sitting in the dining room, eating a large plate of food slowly.

She swallowed very slowly, her eyebrows lowered. She did not even look up when he entered the room.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

He admired her for being like this.

At least, if he couldn't be by her side due to work or other reasons in the future, he wouldn't have to worry too much about her being so good at taking care of herself.

"I'm so hungry." He walked to the dining table and sat down beside her as if nothing had happened. He moved the plate under her eyes and placed it between the two of them. Luo Xichen took the cutlery in her hand and started eating.

He had done a very shameless thing, but when he made such a move, his movements were very elegant and casual. He looked like a noble.

After two mouthfuls, he kindly scooped a spoonful and brought it to her lips.

Sha Zhixing turned her head and gave him a sidelong glance. She turned to go upstairs, but Luo Xichen grabbed her wrist. Her slender body was caught off guard and she fell on his lap...


There was another chapter.