Chapter 216: The dilemma

Everyone knew that the Luo family was rich, but she had never heard of the Luo family owning such a property.

This place should only belong to Luo Xichen, right?

What was his identity?

Although she had grown up with Luo Xichen, coming here tonight made Sha Zhixing feel like she had truly entered his world.

She was very confused, but she was not in a hurry to ask.

She believed that since he would bring her here, it meant that his world was opening up to her.

Sha Zhixing knew that Luo Xichen would tell her slowly even if she did not ask.

She did not say anything. She lowered her head and ate her dinner quietly.

Luo Xichen had arranged everything meticulously. The two of them knew each other's preferences, and the dinner was all according to her taste.

When Sha Zhixing was at the villa by the sea, she had made one for herself, but she had no appetite at all. It was unknown whether it was because the food was too delicious or because there was an extra person at the table. One person solved a lot of problems.

Luo Xichen sat across the table and watched her eat. His thin lips were slightly raised, and a faint smile hung on his lips the whole time.

After dinner, Sha Zhixing was afraid that he would drag her upstairs to do some digestive exercises. Without waiting for him to say anything, she said, "I want to take a look around here!"

"Not tired?" Luo Xichen did not say yes or no. Instead, he asked leisurely.

Sha Zhixing was stumped by these two words.

Why did she feel that there was a hidden meaning in his words?

Based on her understanding of him, if she answered that she was not tired, Sha Zhixing felt that he would definitely drag her straight into the room.

If she said that she was tired, she would most likely go back to the room, but it might not be so intense after she went in.

Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and replied cautiously. "It's alright."

The corners of Luo Xichen's eyes twitched slightly after she carefully phrased her words. He looked at her reaction with amusement. He held her wrist with his big hand and wrapped it in his palm. He led her out of the restaurant and said, "Let me show you around."

Sha Zhixing followed behind him. She was still wearing the household dress and slippers that had shocked half of the city that night. The slippers were still cute. It did not seem right to walk in this beautiful castle.

She actually wanted to ask Luo Xichen if he had any of her clothes. He had already brought her here. He should have prepared some, right?

However, when everyone saw Luo Xichen with her on the way out, they automatically avoided looking at her. This made her stop her impulse.

It seemed that she was only here for Luo Xichen.

Sha Zhixing did not hesitate anymore. She broke free from Luo Xichen's hand and wandered around the castle more freely than Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched as he followed behind her.

Sha Zhixing looked more like the owner of the castle than Luo Xichen.

The castle was very big, and there were more things inside than when they first entered.

There was a large garden in the backyard with all kinds of flowers. They were of the same species as the villas by the sea. They were all noble species that could not be found in the market.

There was also a large lake in the castle. The blue water was rippling. A stream that ran through the entire castle became the main entrance to the water here.

What surprised Sha Zhixing the most was that there were a few animals in the backyard. Cats and dogs were lazily walking on the grass. The scene looked particularly relaxed and peaceful.