Chapter 228: Luo Xichen, we finally meet

Her lips were slightly warm, like a butterfly's stamen, gentle and soft.

Luo Xichen's body clearly stiffened. One of his arms was around her waist, and the other was pressing on the back of her head. He wanted to deepen the kiss, but Sha Zhixing was like a slippery fish. Her head passed under his arm and she obediently sat back down.

Luo Xichen's expression changed. He wanted to pull her into his arms as if he was fishing, but Sha Zhixing raised an arm and stopped him.

Luo Xichen was upset. He wanted to wave her hand away, but Sha Zhixing looked at the people lying on the ground outside the car window and reminded him.

Luo Xichen looked sideways from the corner of his eyes. He thought about it for a while and decided that the current environment was not suitable. He suppressed his impulse and started the car with a cold face.

The young woman who had been saved stood by the side of the road. Her eyes fell on the car in the distance. She thought of the name Sha Zhixing had mentioned and her red lips curled up.

Luo Xichen, we finally meet...

A few minutes after the car Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing were in disappeared, another car stopped by the side of the road.

The people who got out of the car were a middle-aged man and two young men in black suits, who looked like bodyguards.

They glanced at the road and saw the young woman standing by the side of the road. They walked over and bowed respectfully to the woman. "Second Miss!"

The woman nodded and looked at her torn clothes. She glanced at the middle-aged man who was leading the group.

The man took off his coat and put it on her.

The middle-aged man asked, "Second Miss, what happened?"

"It's alright now." The young woman shook her head, pulled her coat and got into the car.

The three men followed her.

The black Rolls-Royce started slowly and disappeared into the night...

Luo Xichen's face was still dark after he left the place where the accident happened. It was unknown whether it was because of Sha Zhixing's impulsive behavior or because he had not tasted the sweetness. He was as cold as an iceberg... Sha Zhixing, who was sitting next to him, was almost frozen stiff by the coldness on his body.

The sports car was driving slowly on a certain road in Belfast.

Sha Zhixing was sitting in the car, and her eyes drifted to his direction from time to time. She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and saw that his expression had not eased up yet. She thought that he was still angry about her impulsive behavior and tugged at the hem of his clothes gently.

Luo Xichen was focused on driving and ignored her.

Sha Zhixing tugged a few more times, but Luo Xichen still ignored her.

Sha Zhixing was a little angry. With her temper, she would have turned around and left if it were any other day. However, she was the one who was wrong today.

She was indeed thoughtless in the situation just now. If Luo Xichen had not been by her side, she would have been killed along with Luo Xichen.

Sha Zhixing was usually a very rational person. She was probably with Luo Xichen today. She did not think of the word 'afraid' when she rushed up to him.

"I won't meddle in other people's business anymore," Sha Zhixing said seriously.

In fact, she was not a meddlesome person. It was just that the situation today was special.

There was still no response from Luo Xichen.

Sha Zhixing's face stiffened.

In fact, a smart woman should know that the best thing to do at this time was to act coquettishly or use the same trick that she had just used to send herself up.