Chapter 230 hotels and the seaside

Luo Xi was slightly taken aback as she picked up the phone.

Luo Yi immediately said, "When you're with Zhixing, know your limits. Do you hear me?"

Luo Xichen replied casually and hung up the phone.

As for what he said, he did not hear a single word.


She was already his, and when she was with his woman, what limits!

Luo Xichen naturally understood Luo Yi's words as a normal concern of the elderly when young men and women were alone together.

Luo Yi was stunned when he heard the disconnected tone on the other end of the line. He slowly turned to the butler beside him and asked, "Are Zhixing and Xichen on good terms?"

The butler shook his head slightly, indicating that he did not understand this aspect.

Luo Yi had settled abroad long ago. His impression of Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing had stopped at two stages. One was when they were young. The two of them were indeed on good terms at that time. Sha Zhixing was practically inseparable from Luo Xichen.

However, she was also on good terms with Rong Ci at that time.

The other stage was when Sha Zhixing was 14 years old. Luo Yi was already abroad at that time and would occasionally return to the country. However, the way she and Luo Xichen got along after that had completely changed. The two of them rarely appeared together. Sha Zhixing was also cold to Luo Xichen.

At the age of 14, it was the year that Sha Zhixing's impression of Luo Xichen had changed due to the previous misunderstanding. However, Luo Yi did not know this...

On a road near the seaside, Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing were arguing at a 'hotel' on the 'seaside'.

Sha Zhixing had accidentally gotten herself into trouble. Luo Xichen was frustrated and could not find a place to vent. He insisted on going to the hotel first, but Sha Zhixing did not cooperate.

"The sea!" She felt that it was safer to play outside than to go back to the hotel with him.

"The hotel!" Luo Xichen rejected her.

"The sea!" Sha Zhixing was very insistent this time.

Luo Xichen's deep eyes glanced at her dangerously, and his thin lips spat out two words. "The hotel!"

Sha Zhixing felt a chill run down her spine.

Was he threatening her?

"Let's go to the beach first!" Sha Zhixing changed the policy.

Luo Xichen was burning with anger. He was not in the mood to go to the beach.

However, he had experienced Sha Zhixing's stubbornness before. He would not be able to eat as much as he wanted if he did not get her first.

After a few seconds of silence, Luo Xichen said, "Hotel by the beach."

Hotel and seaside. Both were very considerate.

"Hooligan!" Sha Zhixing scolded him lightly. She looked out of the window uncomfortably, but did not refute him this time.

Luo Xichen understood what she meant. He smiled and drove her to a certain direction by the sea. They were very fast and in a hurry. Those who did not know might have thought that something had happened in the car.

They found a more elegant hotel along the way and leaned the car to the side. Luo Xichen grabbed her hand and got out of the car. He quickly went to the service desk to check in. He held her hand and ran upstairs.

The hotel he chose was very considerate and the rooms were even more considerate. The wide floor-to-ceiling windows looked out at the magnificent sea. When the windows were opened, the wind was also the sea breeze. Sha Zhixing's request was satisfied even if they did not go out...