Chapter 253 was such a special treatment

Her tone was well-controlled. There was not the slightest feeling that she was unapproachable compared to her status.

"Hello, Miss He!" The others politely greeted her.

"From now on, I will be in charge of this place. I hope everyone will work well together." He Simu smiled and said a few simple sentences, which could be considered as a greeting.

After that, she was led into the exclusive office by Wen Lan.

Sha Zhixing sat in her own seat and only glanced at her indifferently. Her gaze did not linger for too long.

Her personality was unruly and she never tried to please anyone. It would be difficult for others to rope her in.

She did not have the slightest feeling towards He Simu.

Wen Lan led He Simu in and gave her a lot of instructions. When she walked out, she passed Sha Zhixing and stopped in front of her desk. She smiled at her.

"Madam." Sha Zhixing replied with a smile and greeted her. She did not want others to know that she had a personal relationship with the Luo family. She said that she used the nickname that ordinary people used to address her.

"There will be a welcoming party at the company tonight. Everyone should remember to attend." Wen Lan's eyes were looking at her, but her words were directed at everyone.

"Okay!" The rest of the people in the office echoed in unison.

Wen Lan walked out after that.

Just as she disappeared, the discussion in the office started again.

"Welcoming? It's especially for this new director, right?"

"Yeah, we've been here for a long time, but we haven't seen anyone throw a welcoming party for us. We haven't seen any other managers or directors either!"

"This new director's treatment is really special!"

"Haven't you heard of it? It's said that the 'Admiration' necklace that shocked the entire design world last night was designed in just one day. How can such a person not be treated differently?"

Sha Zhixing had never been interested in such gossip. However, as a designer, she could not help but feel a little shocked when she heard the last sentence.

She had designed such an excellent work in just one day?

Her design talent should be very good, right?

Sha Zhixing had never been interested in people who had nothing to do with her. She was only a little surprised by He Simu before she threw herself into her work.

Luo Xichen had been busy with the company in the past few days after returning to C City. He did not harass her like he did did in T City.

Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing were now working in different rooms. They could not see each other directly when they looked up. One of the benefits of this separation was that Luo Xichen's work efficiency had improved a lot.

This was exactly what Sha Zhixing wanted, killing two birds with one stone.

However, such a good day was completely broken this afternoon.

There was a commotion in the office.

Sha Zhixing had always been indifferent to things that had nothing to do with her. She lowered her head and continued to draw her design drafts until a certain voice suddenly entered her ears

"Young Master Luo is entering the design department for the first time!"

"Yes, I've been working here for so long, but I've never seen him here."

"This is the first time I've seen him up close!"

Luo Xichen?

Sha Zhixing suddenly raised her head when she caught the name of the man they were talking about.

Luo Xichen leaned lazily against the door and stared at her without even looking at the others. His thin lips curled up as he gestured in the direction of his office.

The eyes of the people around him also fell on her after that.