Chapter 268 Satan's Dark Aura

These people's tone was obviously sour. Shi Qinuo was still waiting for her, and Sha Zhixing did not have time to bicker with others.

After ordering two cakes and two cups of hot coffee, she wanted to take it from the waiter. The person standing next to her glanced at her outstretched hand, and her elbow unexpectedly pushed her hand away.

Sha Zhixing's hand that was holding the coffee trembled, and the hot coffee splashed all over her hand.

"What are you doing?" Sha Zhixing's face contorted in pain, and her gaze turned stiffly to the woman who had deliberately bumped into her.

The secretary department's Susan.

"What did I do?" Susan was very disdainful of her words. She raised her chin arrogantly, pushed her aside, and smiled at the waiter. "I want two cups of ******* tea."

Sha Zhixing glanced at her from the corner of her eyes. After she took the ******* tea from her hand, her elbow suddenly pushed her back the way she had pushed her.

With another splash, Susan was splashed by two cups of ******* tea, which were at least twice as big as Sha Zhixing's. Her hand became red and swollen on the spot.

"Sha Zhixing, what are you doing?" Susan yelled at her in pain.

"Sorry, I accidentally touched it" Sha Zhixing glanced at her and spoke casually. She turned around and left the service desk with her two cups of afternoon tea.

She had always had her own principles. If someone didn't offend her, she wouldn't offend them. If someone offended her, then don't blame her for being rude.

No matter what, Susan was considered an old person here. Now that she was being countered by a newbie in front of so many people, she could not bring herself to lose face.

She looked at Sha Zhixing's back in anger. She stepped on her high heels and angrily walked up. Suddenly, she grabbed Sha Zhixing's wrist and slapped her face.

Sha Zhixing's back was facing her. She did not expect Susan to suddenly make such a move. She was caught off guard and received a slap from Susan. Her face was numb from the pain.

He Simu walked up from downstairs and happened to see this scene. Her gaze stopped on Sha Zhixing's face.

Susan's slap was very strong. Sha Zhixing's face was burning with pain. She raised her head stiffly and her gaze was cold. "Why did you hit me?"

"This is to teach you how to respect your seniors!" Susan said and turned to leave.

Sha Zhixing quietly looked at her back and was thinking about how to respond when a lazy voice suddenly rang out. "Tsk, what are you doing?"

The entire place fell silent after the unfamiliar voice. Everyone's gaze followed the source of the voice.

Shi Qinuo stood at the entrance of the stairs, his body lazily leaning against the wall. Even in the sunlight, his somewhat seductive and noble face carried a trace of dark Satan's aura. His expression was relaxed, but his gaze was ice-cold.

Sha Zhixing's gaze met his gaze. She caught the coldness in his eyes and the corners of her lips suddenly curved upwards.

No matter what attitude Shi Qinuo had towards her, she was now his disciple. If someone were to openly bully her like this, it would undoubtedly be an indirect slap to him.

With this thought in mind, the curve between Sha Zhixing's red lips widened a little.

It seemed that she didn't need to fight back.

"Good disciple, what's wrong with your face?" After scrutinizing Sha Zhixing for a moment, Shi Qinuo curled his finger at her, saying that he was still using the layer of relationship between her and him that he usually hated the most.