Chapter 261: Quitting Rong Xi

Luo Xichen did not notice the stares and started the car to go to the office.

The two of them did not go to bed until three o'clock in the morning last night. Sha Zhixing was exhausted after such a long and intense exercise. She did not have to worry about him driving. She fell asleep in the car for some reason.

It was still early when they arrived at the office. It was not time for work yet.

Luo Xichen bent down and wanted to carry her upstairs. Sha Zhixing's closed eyes suddenly opened.

She stared at him for a few seconds, then shrank down from his body.

"I'll do it myself." Sha Zhixing was still a member of a big company. She hadn't arrived yet, but she still paid attention to her influence.

Luo Xichen didn't say anything and went upstairs with her.

Then, the two of them went to their respective offices.

When Sha Zhixing arrived at the design department, there was already someone in the office.

He Simu was standing in front of her desk with her back to her. She was arranging flowers. There was a fresh bunch of pink hyacinths, beautifully trimmed with dewdrops on them.

It was still very early. Sha Zhixing was slightly surprised when she saw her. Her gaze fell on the bunch of pink hyacinths in her hands from behind.

She seemed to like pink hyacinths very much. The pendant that opened Rong Xi's door used the petals of a hyacinth. The meaning of the work was also using the flower language of a hyacinth. There must be a story behind this, right?

She vaguely noticed the gaze that fell on her. He Simu slowly turned her head. When she saw that it was her, she was stunned for a moment. The corners of her lips curled up as she smiled at her. "Morning."

"Good morning," Sha Zhixing replied. Her gaze did not linger on her for long. She turned around and walked to her office.

She usually did not pay attention to things that had nothing to do with her.

She casually picked up a pen and slowly sketched the design.

He Simu looked at her quietly and slowly came to her side. She looked at some of the sketches that she had randomly sketched and smiled. "Yesterday, I learned about the current situation of Rong Xi's design department. I discovered that the standard of the designers is generally not at its peak. This is not what an international enterprise needs. If this continues for a long time, Miss Sha should also be very clear about the impact it will have on Rong Xi, right? So, I thought about it last night and came up with a plan that will allow everyone to maintain their best state at all times."

Sha Zhixing suddenly raised her head after her words, and her gaze fell on her face.

He Simu paused for a moment and said, "There will be an internal design competition once a month. At that time, the score will be based on the results. The last five in the ranking will automatically withdraw from Rong Xi. Miss Sha, what do you think of this proposal?"

Sha Zhixing looked at her fixedly. There was no expression on her face, but her heart was cold after hearing this proposal.

Most of the designers who had the ability to enter Rong Xi were experienced designers who had already become famous in the country or internationally. The newcomers who were able to enter Rong Xi were not weak either, but compared to such an experienced ace designer, the newcomers were at a disadvantage no matter what.

This was a very unfair elimination system, but Sha Zhixing did not express any opinions.

Competition was a reality that existed no matter where this society went. With competition, there would be progress. She knew this, and if the elimination system was adopted, it would indeed encourage most people to work more actively.

"I will discuss this plan with the other higher-ups of the company today. If it is approved in the end, the design department will implement it in the future." Seeing that she did not say anything, He Simu left behind a sentence and turned around to return to her office.