Chapter 263: The value of Zhixing

Sha Zhixing had never seen Shi Qinuo in person, nor had she seen his photo.

Everyone in the design industry knew that Jesse had many quirks. He did not show his face in public easily, and he did not design for others casually. Even if someone he did not like offered him a sky-high price to help design, he would not care. He only designed the things he wanted to design. He was a very casual person.

Sha Zhixing had always thought that he was French. She had never expected him to be a Chinese-French mixed-blood. Moreover, he could speak such pure Chinese. She did not expect him to be so young.

It was rumored that Jesse was very young. Sha Zhixing guessed that the so-called youth should be at least 30 years old for the older generation of designers.

However, the man in front of her was obviously not. He was at most 26 or 27 years old.

Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly and reached out her hand politely. "Hello, I'm Sha Zhixing."

Shi Qinuo's sexy thin lips curved slightly. He held her hand and wanted to give her a French greeting gift. Before he could move his lips closer, a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed Sha Zhixing's hand, pushing it away.

Shi Qinuo's expression changed and he looked askance at Luo Xichen, who was holding out his hand.

"Improve her design skills within a month. She promised me," Luo Xichen said expressionlessly as he walked in front to his car.

Sha Zhixing admired Shi Qinuo very much. This kind of worship was not blind idolatry, but real admiration for his ability.

They walked side by side and talked as they walked. "Did Xichen ask you to come here?"

"Yes, he insisted that I take in a disciple. He even bribed me with a large piece of Paris." Shi Qinuo looked at her with a very honest look.

Sha Zhixing was a little surprised. Firstly, it was because of his frankness. Secondly, it was because of Luo Xichen's behind-the-scenes efforts.

She did not know that her value was so high that it was comparable to the value of a large piece of Paris...

"Then, will master stay in the country for the rest of his time?" Sha Zhixing followed his words naturally. The scale changed very quickly.

Shi Qinuo was stunned by her sudden scale.


She was quite used to this kind of relationship, huh?

"Actually, you can call me by my name," Shi Qinuo corrected.

Master was too respectful, and he immediately thought of an old man with a white beard.

Sha Zhixing smiled faintly, not taking his words to heart.

Luo Xichen drove the two back to the company. He had specially hired Shi Qinuo to guide Sha Zhixing, so he naturally had to stay there for the time being.

The three of them went upstairs together. Two equally outstanding men walked side by side with Sha Zhixing, attracting a lot of attention wherever they passed.

Not many people knew Shi Qinuo's real appearance, but Rong Xi was a place full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, so they had seen him before.

"Isn't that the genius designer Jesse?" Someone among the employees exclaimed.

After a voice rang out, the commotion around them became even greater.

No one who had never seen him before would have thought that he would be so young, nor would they have thought that the famous Jesse was actually a mixed-race handsome man!

There was a lot of discussion in the office. Half of it was directed at Shi Qinuo, who had suddenly appeared on stage, and the other half was directed at Sha Zhixing.

What ability did a rookie have to stand shoulder to shoulder with such a top-notch designer?