Chapter 274 was unexpected

Luo Xichen's expression softened a little after hearing her words. He remembered how uneasy she had been when she had told him that the design department had made this decision. He asked gently, "Are you nervous?"

"I'm not nervous." Sha Zhixing shook her head slightly and the corners of her lips curled up a little.

The inspiration for her work this time came from him. It could be considered as a gift from her to him. The feeling was very subtle and even a little sweet.

"Go for it!" Luo Xichen said in a low and deep voice.

Sha Zhixing smiled faintly after he said that.

She would do her best for herself and for Luo Xichen!

The two of them chatted for a while. Luo Xichen ended the call early, afraid that it would affect her mental state the next day.

The competition was held the next day.

Sha Zhixing thought that the design competition would be held like the last time. The designers would come up to the stage to show their works and commentaries, but they did not do so this time.

According to He Simu, the competition was just a small test within the design department. There was no need to use so much manpower and time.

The final method was for everyone to submit their work, and He Simu would then hand it over to the higher-ups of the company. After that, there would be an internal meeting of the higher-ups. All the higher-ups would be the judges, and the results would be determined according to the final score. The designer did not need to attend.

Sha Zhixing's work had been submitted in the morning. Shi Qinuo stayed in the office with her for the whole morning, quietly waiting for the results.

Last night, when Luo Xichen asked her if she was nervous, she was actually not nervous at all. Today, Shi Qinuo had also asked her, but she still did not feel anything.

However, after the real work was submitted, she suddenly felt uneasy.

Shi Qinuo watched as she kept pacing in front of the French window. He made a cup of coffee, walked slowly to her side and handed it to her.

"If you can't even pass this small test, don't say that you're my disciple when you get out." He wanted to comfort her, but his words had somehow turned into this tone.

Sha Zhixing frowned and glared at him with resentment.

He was purely here to hurt her, right?

However, after thinking about it, she felt that what he said was right.

He was Shi Qinuo, the most influential genius designer in the design world. She was his only disciple. If she couldn't even pass a small test, how could she be worthy of him as her teacher?

Knock, knock!

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

Sha Zhixing turned around and walked to the door in a few steps to open it.

Standing at the door was He Simu's assistant. When he saw her, he simply said, "The results of the competition are out." Then, he turned around and left.

Sha Zhixing and Shi Qinuo looked at each other, and the two of them walked side by side towards the design department.

When they arrived, He Simu was in the middle of a summary meeting.

Sha Zhixing wanted to enter the door, but her words suddenly rang out. "The next person to be mentioned is the last person in this competition, Sha Zhixing!"


Sha Zhixing's mind seemed to explode, and she slowly stopped in her tracks.

He Simu slowly walked towards her, holding a document in her hand that recorded all of Rong Xi's higher-ups' scores, and handed it to her.

Sha Zhixing stared at the eye-catching scores on the paper. The blood in her body felt as if it had frozen.

Shi Qinuo stood next to her and scanned the paper. Looking at the rows of scores, his eyes slowly darkened.

Of all the scores, Sha Zhixing's was the lowest, seven...