Chapter 307 teased him

Luo Xichen walked to the side and got into his car.

Sha Zhixing watched his back quietly as the smile on her face slowly faded.

The situation would only become more complicated if it was not made public at this point.

However, why did Wen Lan not want her to be with Luo Xichen? Sha Zhixing still could not figure it out...

Luo Xichen went straight to the company after he left.

It was Sunday. There were only a few security guards on duty in the company. The office building was exceptionally quiet.

He entered the elevator and went all the way to his own office floor. He turned on his computer and pulled up all the information of the design department.

His identity was special. All the important files of the company would be backed up on his computer. It was as if he was in charge of the information base of the entire company.

The design competition in the design department at that time was in the form of a paper draft before an electronic file. There was too much information about the company, and the original draft was probably handed over to He Simu for safekeeping. Luo Xichen did not know where she kept it. So, he looked at the electronic version directly through the computer.

The design drawings were opened one by one and arranged according to the score from low to high. The name of the designer was marked at the bottom of each drawing. The lowest score was Sha Zhixing's.

This time, Sha Zhixing had designed a brooch of a white lotus flower. The petals were very simple and only the shape of the lotus flower was outlined. The score was seven.

Luo Xichen looked at the drawing quietly and his brows slowly furrowed.

He was very picky. In his opinion, this design was not innovative at all. It was very plain and the seven score was very fair.

However, he felt that this was not Sha Zhixing's level.

Why was it like this?

Was she not performing well?

Luo Xichen opened the design page by page and read through them one by one.

The last page was the one with the highest score. The design was a necklace made of 18-carat platinum and diamonds. The pendant was written in English 'King' in French. The last three letters were very small. It felt like an embellishment of the first letter. The design was very creative. It was stunning at first glance. It was also the work of a newcomer. Luo Xichen was not familiar with the name.

He was not familiar with the employees of the company. He only knew a few of the higher-ups.

Luo Xichen looked at the design quietly. He remembered that Sha Zhixing had asked him to look at all the designs in the afternoon. He closed his computer and left the company.

There was not a single copy of the design.

It was all in the past. He was afraid that Sha Zhixing would be shocked after seeing it.

Sha Zhixing stayed at home with An Xin and Sha Nanfeng in the afternoon. After sitting for a while, she went to the hospital to see Shi Qinuo. She thought about how she had left for so long and felt a little guilty. She specially made dinner for him at home. And she made it very rich.

Shi Qinuo was very disdainful of her sudden solicitude. In his opinion, her behavior was typical of her solicitude for no reason. There must be something bad going on.

"Master, this is to make up for yesterday's meal." She took out the lunch boxes she brought and placed them on a small table. Sha Zhixing also handed him a pair of chopsticks. The service was very thoughtful.

She had prepared a lot of dinner and a lot of seafood. It could be seen that she had put a lot of thought into it.

Shi Qinuo pointed at a plate of colorful food and said expressionlessly, "I don't eat spicy food."

"Just leave it to me." Sha Zhixing didn't even look at him. She took the plate of colorful food and placed it beside her.

Shi Qinuo's lips twitched after she said that.

She was here to tease him today, right?