Chapter 312, the future mistress

The words 'confession' and 'proposal' came to Sha Zhixing's mind. Combined with the fact that he had announced their relationship the other day, she was even more certain of her guess.

She looked at him quietly, her eyes full of curiosity.

Luo Xichen did not explain. He looked around as if nothing had happened, then turned and walked towards the crowd of guests.

A sentence came from behind. "I'll leave Si Yan and the others to you. If anything happens later, remember to call me."

Sha Zhixing watched him leave quietly as her red lips slowly curved upwards.

Although he did not give her a definite answer, she felt that she had guessed right.

The two of them had known each other for so many years, and a lot of tacit understanding was formed naturally. One look and one action could be understood by each other. It did not have to be expressed through words.

However, she did not expect that he would actually decide to do this on such an occasion tonight.

There were many people coming tonight, from all walks of life. Announcing it in front of so many people was no different from announcing their relationship to the world?

Luo Xichen had asked Sha Zhixing to help with the reception of the guests at the party because he had intended to do so. He was indirectly announcing her identity as the future mistress of the Luo family to everyone!

Sha Zhixing did not think too much about it. She just thought that he had made the arrangements because she was more familiar with the place. Naturally, she helped him to attract guests.

A large number of the guests tonight were his friends. Mu Siyan, Gu Yiran, Mo Yichen, and even Mo Ningyu had come.

Sha Zhixing was now part of Luo Xichen's circle of friends. She was now familiar with the group of people and could still joke around without restraint.

With a few glasses of wine in her hand, she went straight to the group of people.

Mo Yichen did not know how to avoid her at all when he was with her. When he saw her walking towards him, he took a few steps to her side and put an arm on her shoulder naturally, joking with her. "Isn't Xichen afraid that other people will covet you by letting you walk around like this?"

Sha Zhixing just smiled at his words.

The Luo family's territory was right under Luo Xichen's nose. What was he worried about?

"Here you go." Sha Zhixing handed him the tray filled with wine glasses and found a seat for herself.

Mo Ningyu was still as elegant as ever. She sat with a group of people like a socialite. The coldness on her face made her seem out of place with the others.

When she saw Sha Zhixing coming over, her gaze fell on her almost naturally.

Tonight, Sha Zhixing was very beautiful. This was the first time Mo Ningyu had discovered her beauty.

It was not that she was not beautiful in the past. It was just that in the past, the two of them were love rivals. All of her good qualities were worthless in Mo Ningyu's eyes.

Now that some of her emotions had been put aside, Mo Ningyu saw more things.

After Sha Zhixing arrived beside them, she started playing King's game with a group of people. She was originally more easygoing and had a good time. It was easy for her to blend in with this group.

This was something that was different from Mo Ningyu.

Because of Mo Yichen's relationship, Mo Ningyu had known this group of people for so many years, and up until now, she had yet to blend into this group. However, Sha Zhixing had managed to do it in a short period of time, and she had even gotten Mo Yichen to protect her so loyally. On this point... Mo Ningyu admired her.

She could vaguely feel the gaze that fell on her. Sha Zhixing turned her head and glanced at Mo Ningyu, her red lips slightly raised. "Do you want to come along?"