Chapter 331, harassment!

There were many couples in the square. They would pass by the two of them from time to time, hugging each other sweetly as if no one was kissing them.

Sha Zhixing liked sweet things. After getting out of the car, she bought two bunches of colorful cotton candy from the roadside and handed one to Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen had never touched such things in his life. He had a strange expression on his face when he took it. He wanted to throw it into the trash can like an ant. Sha Zhixing glared at him, and he retracted his hand that he had just extended.

Sha Zhixing smiled in satisfaction. She took his phone and put her face close to his face. She snapped a photo of the two of them.

She was smiling very sweetly in the photo. She was holding a big marshmallow in her hand. Her face was close to Luo Xichen's. It was a very sweet picture.

Two couples passed by. They looked at the two of them and their lips twitched.

What a narcissistic couple!

Sha Zhixing was very happy tonight. She did not walk far. She even took the initiative to put her arm around Luo Xichen's arm and pulled him to a chair in the square. She took the opportunity to look at the photos of the two of them when she sat down to rest.

Luo Xichen was very disdainful of the photos taken by Sha Zhixing. He picked up his cell phone and was about to take another photo.

Sha Zhixing did not give it to him. She took the cell phone from his hand and even made the photo she took earlier into the wallpaper of his cell phone.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched a few times under her action.

Sha Zhixing raised her cell phone and rested her head on Luo Xichen's shoulder. She looked at the photos of the two of them and felt very proud of herself.

"Are you happy tonight?" Luo Xichen turned his head to look at her and smiled.

"Not bad," Sha Zhixing replied indifferently. Her eyes fell on the phone screen and she did not even look at Luo Xichen.

"Do you want to go back?" Luo Xichen asked as he put an arm around her waist and pulled her into his arms.

Sha Zhixing was playing with his phone. She was playing games after admiring the photos. This time, she ignored him.

Luo Xichen felt like he was being ignored. The hand on her waist lifted the hem of her shirt and gave her a gentle massage.

Sha Zhixing was ticklish. She wriggled in his arms and giggled.

"Luo Xichen, don't be silly!"

"Did you hear what I said?" Luo Xichen put his head on her shoulder and bit her earlobe.

He knew every sensitive point of Sha Zhixing better than she did after spending time with her.

The easy teasing made her neck shrink. Her body trembled and she retreated from his arms in a panic. She jumped back and tried to avoid him, but she forgot that there was a fountain behind her. She lost her balance and fell straight into the water.

The moment she left the fountain, a hand quickly pulled Luo Xichen into the water.


Two sounds of falling into the water could be heard in the quiet square.

"Sha Zhixing!" An angry roar followed.

Luo Xichen was drenched. Crystal drops of water dripped onto the surface of the water along his handsome face. It was the first time in his life that he was in such a sorry state.

Why are you harassing me?

Sha Zhixing glanced at him and calmly went ashore.

However, just as she reached the edge of the fountain, her wrist was grabbed by a hand. Then, she was pulled from behind and her slender body fell heavily into the pool again...