Chapter 335, how dare a rookie cheat?

Why was this design here?

Luo Xichen looked at it quietly, his eyes slowly turning black...

Not noticing his reaction, Sha Zhixing bent down and picked up the design. She wanted to put it back into the storage box, but Luo Xichen grabbed her wrist.

"What's wrong?" She turned her head and looked at him in confusion.

"Zhixing, this design..." Luo Xichen's eyes fell on the design. Sha Zhixing interrupted him before he could ask, "This design competition is too rushed. I was just thinking that if I don't have time to come up with a better design, I'll modify this drawing and take it to the competition. What do you think?"

Luo Xichen looked at the drawing in a daze and did not answer.

"Although the design department failed in the competition, it should be able to get everyone's approval, right?" Sha Zhixing actually thought that the drawing was pretty good. She did not find anything wrong with it and placed the drawing in Luo Xichen's hand. She put her arm on his shoulder and half of her body leaned against him. She smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Luo Xichen did not listen to her at all. All he could think about was how surprised he was when he saw the picture.

This picture was hers!

Then, who was the picture that was signed with her name before?

Sha Zhixing said so much but did not get an answer from him. She thought that even he did not feel good about it. She restrained the smile on her face and took the picture and stuffed it into the storage box. "I'll design another one."

Luo Xichen grabbed Sha Zhixing's wrist and pulled her onto him.

"Anything else?" Sha Zhixing looked up in confusion.

Luo Xichen looked into her eyes and explained slowly, "This design is very good. It doesn't need to be modified. However, it was designed by Rong Xi. If you participate in the competition, the result will be Rong Xi's."

Sha Zhixing understood what he meant. However, why did she feel like she was being cheated by him?

"How dare you cheat a rookie's results?" She looked up and sneered.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Xichen gently pinched her soft waist. "I'm asking you to redesign the design for the competition. This is a rule issue."

He took the storage box and looked for the design. He added, "Give this to me."

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched under his actions.

He took her things without asking her.

Luo Xichen only smiled at her reaction and did not explain much. He carefully put away the design drawings and put them in a folder.

The next day, he went straight to the design department.

When he arrived, He Simu was in her office with a few pinkish hyacinths behind her back. She looked down and her movements were gentle.

The people from the design department were all here. They had seen Luo Xichen here before when Sha Zhixing was here. This was the first time they had seen him.

They looked at him in astonishment, their eyes full of confusion.

Luo Xichen's gaze swept over the group of people and finally went straight to He Simu's office.

He Simu, who had her back to him, was stunned when she heard the footsteps behind her. She stopped what she was doing and turned her head slowly to the side.

Luo Xichen hardly ever came to the design department. He Simu was a little surprised when she saw him suddenly. "What can I do for you, Young Master Luo?"