Chapter 337: The consequences of offending Zhixing

However, she had already reached this point. She could only brace herself and draw, hoping that Luo xichen would not notice the difference.

The first design was slowly drawn. At a glance, it was not much different from Sha Zhixing's.

Then, the second, the third...

There were hundreds of people in the design department. When Alin drew the 20th picture, her hands began to feel weak and her eyes were a little sore. When she drew the 30th picture, her hands began to spasm.

Luo Xichen did not say a word. He did not ask her to stop, nor did he comment on the drawing that she had sent out.

He did not say a word, and Alin did not dare to stop herself.

However, the thought of having to draw a few hundred more designs made her stomach churn and her hands started to tremble.

When the one hundred designs were formed, her hands were already as stiff as a cripple. She could not move at all.

Luo Xichen looked at her expressionlessly. He picked up a design and placed it in front of her. He said coldly, "Zhixing's design has 4618k platinum chains and eight white diamond chains. You have fewer chains."

His voice was still flat, but it sounded like the prelude to a storm.

He knew everything!

Alin's expression changed when she heard Sha Zhixing's name. She fell to her knees with a thud. "Young Master Luo, I was wrong. That design is not mine."

"The truth!" his thin lips said lazily. His eyes were as cold as the wind.

Alin fell silent after his words. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she stopped herself before she could say anything.

The office fell silent after that.

Alin's gaze was very confused, as if she was deep in thought. Her gaze was very conflicted.

After a few minutes, she slowly opened her mouth. "Sha Zhixing's design was changed by my sister after she submitted it to the secretarial department. After the incident at afternoon tea last time, my sister harbored a grudge against her, but she couldn't find a chance to take revenge. Coincidentally, I also participated in this competition, so she changed my design and hers..."

Susan was from the secretary department, and Alin was from the design department. No matter which higher-ups in the company were handed the documents, they usually had to go through the secretary department before they were handed over.

Alin's words were flawless.

Luo Xichen narrowed his eyes and looked at her with a cold look. Alin couldn't guess whether he believed her words or not.

Everyone in Rong Xi knew about the incident at the cafe on the rooftop where Susan lost all her face. After Shi Qinuo appeared, she was still badly messed up. After that, he left the matter to He Simu. Initially, Shi Qinuo wanted to fly her away. However, considering the impression Sha Zhixing had left in the company, he had given the hot potato to He Simu.

He Simu had thought about it for a long time before she had asked her to stay.

"Do you know the consequences of lying to me?" he asked coldly. His face was as dark as an Asura from hell.

"I'm telling the truth..." Alin lowered her head.

"Go and get your resignation letter. Go with your sister." He threw the design that she had just drawn in front of her eyes and turned around coldly.

Alin left after that.

Luo Xichen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in his office and thought about what she had just said. He frowned slowly.

He was not in the country when this happened and did not know many details, but how could He Simu not have noticed?