Chapter 339 was filled with jealousy

"Aren't you quite comfortable with it?" Shi Qinuo lazily leaned against the back of the chair, his face casual.

Sha Zhixing's expression changed slightly.

He was deliberately torturing her, right?

Shi Qinuo raised his eyebrows and looked at her, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

'I'll let you order a bunch of food that I don't like next time?'

Sha Zhixing's gaze met his. Just when Shi Qinuo thought that she would be angry, she tugged at the corner of her lips and smiled, replying him with a sentence, "Do it yourself, you'll have enough food and clothing."

Then, she lowered her head and continued to eat without changing her expression.

Shi Qinuo watched her eat without moving his chopsticks. He was very quiet.

Sha Zhixing felt strange as she was being stared at by a pair of eyes. She raised her head slowly and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shi Qinuo replied expressionlessly. "I don't know how to use chopsticks."

Sha Zhixing was speechless. She accepted her fate and picked up her chopsticks to help him with the food.

Shi Qinuo watched her quietly and smiled.

The two of them acted as if there was no one around them. They even forgot that Luo Xichen was still on the phone.

Luo Xichen's face was a little twisted, and the wrinkles between his brows were deeper.

Were the two of them getting too close?

Luo Xichen knew very well that Sha Zhixing and Shi Qinuo had gotten close after the previous two 'collisions'. However, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he thought about how close she was to everyone.

Luo Xichen did not say anything. He hung up the phone and drove back to the castle.

When he arrived, the servants saw him and asked if they wanted to help him prepare the meal. However, he refused and ordered them to leave.

He was the only one left in the huge castle.

Sha Zhixing came back two hours later. When she entered the house, the lights in the hall were dim. Luo Xichen was leaning lazily on the sofa, deep in thought.

Sha Zhixing only glanced at him and was about to go upstairs when Luo Xichen's voice suddenly rang. "Did you have a good meal?"

Sha Zhixing stopped in her tracks and turned her head slowly to look at him.

'What kind of tone is this?'

"Not bad," she replied indifferently. She wanted to continue upstairs, but Luo Xichen suddenly called out to her. "Come here."

"What's wrong?" Sha Zhixing stood at the entrance of the spiral staircase and looked at him from a few meters away, frowning suspiciously.

"Come here." Luo Xichen's tone became a little heavier, as if he was a little irritated.

Sha Zhixing looked at him strangely, not understanding his purpose, but she still pulled her legs and walked towards him.

She had just reached his side when he grabbed her wrist. Her slender body fell into his arms unsteadily.

Luo Xichen did not say anything. He pressed her against the sofa behind him and kissed her lips.

Sha Zhixing was a little dazed by his kiss.

She had been pressed under his body as soon as she entered the house. Why was he in such a hurry?

His kiss was still very intense. He bit her lips as if he was going to swallow her whole. He kissed her so hard that her face turned red and she found it difficult to breathe. Her body was soft as she lay under him, like a pool of melted water.

The hot and lingering kiss ended. Luo Xichen's fingertips gently rubbed against her lips that were red from the kiss. His thin lips curved slightly. "Try to ignore your man next time?"

Sha Zhixing was stunned by his sudden words.

What did she do?