How long would chapter 354 last?

A 19-year-old woman had defeated a group of senior designers. This was something that had never been seen before in any design competition.

This was probably the so-called talent.

Luo Xichen sat on the stage and looked at her quietly. His thin lips curved slightly.

Sha Zhixing looked at him across the hundreds of people below the stage. Her eyes flashed.

It was a must to give a speech every time she won an award.

"It is my great honor to be the winner of this competition. Thank you, everyone, and thank you to all the people who have supported me..."

Her speech was very similar to her personality. It was very direct and straightforward. She said a few words of thanks and it was over.

She was not as mysterious as He Simu in the past, nor did she have any words that caused the judges and contestants to daydream. Her words were like a clear stream of water flowing through the stage. They were soothing and pleasant to the ears.

The competition ended a few minutes later, and the people present left one after another.

He Simu's face was as cold as ice, and she followed the crowd out of the hall.

Sha Zhixing did not return to her seat after she got off the stage. Instead, she walked straight towards Luo Xichen.

Her footsteps were very light. Just as she was about to approach him, Luo Xichen stretched out his arms and pulled her easily to his side.

Sha Zhixing was very excited. It was not a matter of glory, but a proof of her strength.

She came to his side and did not care about the many people around her. Her slender body crashed into his arms, held his face, and gave him a heavy kiss on the lips. Her arms wrapped tightly around his body, and the expression on her face was as happy as an innocent child. "Xichen, I won!"

"Okay." Luo Xichen nodded with a smile. He pressed Sha Zhixing's head against his chest and the smile on his face was exceptionally bright.

The two of them stood in the middle of the ring and hugged each other tightly as if no one was around. They did not let go of each other for a long time until Shi Qinuo's voice rang out suddenly. "How much longer are you going to hug him for?"

Sha Zhixing looked up at him after he spoke and let go of Luo Xichen awkwardly.

"I'm leaving now. Have a good time tonight." Shi Qinuo came over to greet Luo Xichen. He wanted to leave but Luo Xichen stopped him. "Let's have dinner together tonight!"

Shi Qinuo was a little surprised, and he slowly stopped.

"Yeah, let's go together!" Sha Zhixing also smiled and invited him.

Shi Qinuo had played a big part in her rapid progress.

Shi Qinuo actually did not like the three of them together. The two of them were lovey-dovey, so why should he be a third wheel?

However, seeing the anticipation in Sha Zhixing's eyes, he did not have the heart to decline.

Such an important match should be celebrated for her.

The three of them left the conference hall together after that. When they walked out of the resort, there were many reporters outside, even more than when they came.

He Simu was blocked in the middle by a group of people for an interview. However, unlike when she came, the interviews now were all about her loss in the competition and her future plans.

When Sha Zhixing just arrived, all the media swarmed toward the three of them.

Everyone did not know her, but they knew Shi Qinuo. When they heard that the winner was the person recommended by Shi Qinuo, they naturally guessed that she was the first place today.

Just like how He Simu's sudden return caused a sensation in the country, Sha Zhixing's appearance today also shocked everyone. She became an unstoppable new star in the design world...